Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Operation: Dinner was a success!

I’m no Rachel Ray or anything, but the chicken cordon bleu I made last night was SUPERB! I was very impressed with myself and with the taste. J. only had two helpings because I made him save one for my sister to try. This might be my new specialty! (Ok, only specialty really, unless you count the macaroni and cheese that I’ve made really well 3 out of 4 times). Anyway, I also made garlic mashed potatoes, but I didn’t put enough garlic powder in. It looked like a TON when I sprinkled it in, but there was only a slight hint of it in the potatoes. They were still good. What ever am I going to cook tonight!? Probably something a little easier.. the rolling of the meat kind of got to me..

Another musical day… I heard the song “If” by Janet Jackson on my way to work and basically jammed to it like I did with Nelson yesterday. I loved that video and used to know all the choreography. I still caught myself doing snippets of it in the car this morning, if you can believe that. Anyway, I believe I was in high school when that song came out and I’m a little surprised that I didn’t realize until just now how dirty that song is. Granted, nothing gets bleeped because of the way the song was written, but “holy nasty sex, Batman!” I was so naïve and oblivious when I was younger. God knows what I thought his “smooth and shiny” was but I’m pretty sure I never once thought it was his dick! I also got a blast from the past with the song “Missing You,” by John Waite.. or so I thought. This version was John Waite in a duet with Allison Krauss and it was on one of the XM Country stations. I guess I’m old school because I like the original better. Add that to my list o’songs to download.

Top Chef concludes tonight. I wish I weren’t so indifferent to it, but with all the internet hype I kind of am. I guess I’ll DVR Project Design as I KNOW I won’t stay up to watch it. I’ve been at the gym by 5:30 for the last two days and that’s pretty early for me so if I make it all the way through Top Chef I’ll be impressed. Tune in anyway cause God knows there’ll be shitloads of drama from Ilan and Marcel.

Today has been a very weird day. By 9:30 this morning I had found out that an old friend of mine gave birth to a stillborn child, a guy I’ve bowled with for years was in a car accident and as of yet, can’t feel his legs, and that a girl I’ve drank and gone to the gym with (not at the same time) dropped dead in her bathroom this morning. I still have her phone number in my cell phone. It’s always said that bad things happen in 3’s so I guess I’ve hit my quota but still, what are the odds? Basically what I want to say is that you never know when or how something is going to happen, so take advantage of every opportunity you have to let people know how you feel. I’m a bit of the pot calling the kettle black on this one, but the sentiment is definitely there. My heartfelt thoughts and wishes go out to the people I’ve discussed and who shall remain nameless to save their privacy.

Yeah… I got a little maudlin on you, huh? To cheer you up, check out these two videos. I’m pretty sure the first one is staged because I don’t think anyone ever has or will go THAT Bridezilla, but the second one just made me laugh and wonder how they got everyone to go along with it.

I’ve been swamped most of the day (and really, still am) so I doubt I’ll be able to post again today. Therefore, hump to your heart’s content. It’s Wednesday after all. Have a good one!

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