Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I'm a Big Girl Now...

I took my car to Hoffman’s Car Wash this morning before work. My dad took my car to Jiffy Lube last week, so I had a free wash coming my way. I avoid Hoffman’s at all costs, mainly because of a traumatic incident when I first got my license (much like I avoid Jiffy Lube because of the traumatic $60 oil change I’m ridiculed about to this day). The first time I took my car to Hoffman’s, I didn’t know that you put your car in neutral. How would I know? So, I slide my car into the slots and the man starts yelling at me. I can’t understand him and eventually I realize that he wants me to put my car in neutral. He’s ranting and raving like a lunatic and I’m subsequently mortified. Therefore, I don’t think I’ve been back since…. and I’m 30. However, after my ludicrous $190 spending binge at Shop-Rite, I had to suck it up and take what I could get for free. I was unsure if they’d be open at 8 am, but they were and I ended up in line behind my friend Matt, which was an entertaining coincidence. The minute I got into the slots I slid my car into neutral and the man working was very nice. I don’t know if I’m cured yet, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Last night I subbed for my sister in her bowling league, which is 800 times more competitive than mine. I always want to bowl really well when I bowl for her, but I seem to be in a bit of a slump and just couldn’t pull it together. I really need to practice my spares, but I don’t exactly have the time (or luxury) to do so. I’ve never thrown the ball this well in my life, but I’m not getting any breaks and I’m not picking up my spares. Those two things are kind of central. Anyway, I got home around 10, which gave me just enough time to get my shit together for the gym in the AM and put together clothes for work. I did talk to my friend C. Howe, which made me laugh, and that is always a good thing. He couldn’t stand to not know of my “clandestine meeting” that I alluded to yesterday, so I had to bring him in on the secret. When you’ve known me since birth, you have those rights. My mom also called and told me what she thought I’d be getting back on my taxes, which basically pays for my flight to Ireland and my spending money while I’m there. I couldn’t ask for anything more. Oh yeah.. and I’ll have to pay the State $4.00.

I don’t really see it, but I’ve lost 10 pounds! I’m excited, but I guess I thought it would go quicker. I mean… I’m working out at least 4 times a week and not eating half as much as I used to. Oh well, I guess I should just be happy that I can lose weight at all. Mom and I postponed our bet until February since we were having scale issues. We’re now using the regular scale instead of the digital. It seems to give a more accurate reading. Notice they don’t have digital scales at your doctor’s office!!! Granted, if it goes at this pace, I could lose 25-30 pounds before I go to Ireland.. THAT would make me happy.. I plan on starting to do some free weights on Sunday so hopefully I can tone up a bit. I can’t wear a strapless dress in Kate and Brian’s wedding, be skinny and have fat arms!

In news relating to today’s post title, I’m attempting to cook dinner tonight. For real.. not Chicken Helper. I printed off a few (hundred) recipes from this great web site for people doing Weight Watchers and I really want to try their Chicken Cordon Bleu. It’s one of my favorite meals and it’s probably what I will serve at my wedding. I will serve it with garlic mashed potatoes (don’t get excited.. they’re instant… baby steps). Anyway, I told J. about it and his response was “shouldn’t you start with something a little easier?” Is he right? Probably, but the recipe looks relatively easy and I really do need to learn to cook. He’s insisting upon coming down to actually watch me cook it, instead of just eating what’s left over after I eat my share. I just hope it works out. Chicken Cordon Bleu is not something you want to fuck up. I do need to check out the web site again today because when I printed the recipe, parts of it didn’t print. At first I thought I’d be able to figure it out, but in retrospect, that might not be the best idea. I guess I’ll write it down today.

TOP CHEF SPOILER - (Chris - don’t click if you don’t want to know) I’m not happy… 1) that I found out who won before watching the show and 2) that I couldn’t stop myself from reading the spoiler. Will I watch? Probably, but I won’t enjoy it. On to Top Design!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No worries on dropping the 'weight' faster. You shouldn't be losing on the scale as fast if you're working out (muscle weighs a LOT more than fat!). You can see in photos from last week that you've slimmed down. I bet your pants fit like you've lost more than 10 pounds!! :-)