Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Temptation Crisis Averted

Last night I went and weighed in at my parent’s house. God, that was depressing. Nice to know I came 5 pounds shy of gaining back all the weight I’d lost last year. That sure makes a girl feel good. Anyway, while I was there I signed up for Weight Watchers online, which is pretty handy. It’s an easy way to tally up your points for the day and you can search for recipes and other tips online. I did it last year and really liked the simplicity of it, so I’m glad I was able to do it again. Today was my off day from the gym (maybe) so I was able to sleep in. Woke up and my legs are a little tight, but that’s to be expected. I had anticipated hitting the gym tomorrow morning but my plans for tonight fell through so I might try to go later. A couple of the women from work were getting together at someone’s house, but that woman’s son is sick so she had to cancel. It’s actually worked out pretty well for me, as they were getting Wings Over Albany and I’m not sure what that kind of temptation will do to me! It does screw up my big plan though because I had planned on not seeing J. tonight and heading home to sleep so I can hit the gym in the AM. He is watching his brother’s dogs so he basically can’t leave the house… or at least not overnight so I’m stuck commuting to and from his brother’s house. This is not a bad thing, as his house is about 20-30 minutes closer to where I work, it’s just going to screw with my gym schedule. So, I might try to go tonight, which I really don’t want to do as everyone has decided their New Year’s resolution is to get in shape and they all want to do it at my gym at the exact time I need to be there. At least that’s what my sister told me it was like last night. Anyway, I won’t know what I’m doing until I talk to J. after I get out of work so I guess there’s no point in agonizing over it. I cooked up some Fettuccine Alfredo Chicken Helper last night, and after eating the one cup I was allowed, I packaged up three more one cup servings so I could eat them later in the week. I bought one in today so I could eat it later on tonight, but now it looks like I’ll just leave it here so I can have lunch one of these days. Sometimes I’m so damn resourceful!

I managed to set up my DVD player last night (as you may recall, J. had to unhook it so he could set up my VCR so I could watch Emmett Otter) with no help. Ok, J. had told me what to do over the phone earlier that day, but I never once called him for help, even when it didn’t work the first four times. It usually helps to have the cord connected to the TV too. I missed that at first. Anyway, I watched one of my Netflix movies, Thumbsucker. It was interesting. I sucked my thumb as a child so I could relate to the difficulty of quitting. The story was about a 17 year old kid whose dentist (Keanu Reeves) hypnotizes him to get him to quit sucking his thumb, but in doing so, the kid realizes he needs another vice and allows the school to diagnose him with ADD. He is put on Ritalin and it dramatically changes his behavior, but then he comes to the conclusion that it’s basically speed and would rather suck his thumb. Vince Vaughn, Vincent D’Onofrio and Tilda Swinton were also in it. It wasn’t a bad movie. Different, but not in a bad way. I still have Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang and Layer Cake sitting at home. I saved these as I think they’re movies I could sucker J. into watching with me. My next one to come will be The Transporter 2. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a Jason Statham movie.. The man is hot, bald and has a British accent. My three favorite things… (ok, it doesn’t have to be a British accent.. any will do). I put a few more movies in my "queue" today... some indies and some older ones. I never realized how many good movies I've never seen until now. Unfortunately, I fell asleep for SVU, but I taped it so I’ll have to watch the whole thing this weekend. I tuned in at the end but was very, very confused. Ok, I won’t lie. I did fall asleep for a little bit, but the rest of the time I was watching an America’s Next Top Model marathon on VH1. I need help… it’s an addiction..

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