Thursday, January 18, 2007

Shocker..... (note the sarcasm)

Lindsey Lohan is in rehab. Much like Britney’s divorce, let me feign shock. Apparently Lindsey has checked herself into a facility named “Wonderland” in California. It looks to be at least a 30 day stay for our favorite hard partying starlet, which could really screw up her latest flick “I Know Who Killed Me.” Representatives for the film insist Lindsey’s doing an outpatient program, contrary to reports from a source on the inside. This is the girl that was out partying the day after her appendectomy so I’m sure the whole world was stunned to learn about this recent setback. She needs a meeting with the poster child for underage addiction, Drew Barrymore, ASAP!

Today has been a busy closing day. I got in at 8 am and I’ve barely stopped running since. I wore the most comfortable shoes I own (but as usual, that doesn't say much) and my feet are frickin' killing me! I did take a full lunch today, but my work time has been filled. So, I might have to wait until tomorrow to do my Top Chef post. Things didn’t go quite as I’d thought they would from last week's trailer, but it was still an interesting and drama filled episode. My best dressed list might have to wait until then also. It takes some time to find links and such and I don’t think I have the time to do it today.

I did just find out that it seems I’ve been given the go ahead to help out our litigation department, as was mentioned in my review. The lead attorney just mentioned to me that she heard I’d be able to help them out and that it would be greatly appreciated. I thought it would turn into an issue that got thrown by the wayside, but I’m happy to report it hasn’t. I have not “officially” been told that it’s ok but with her words of enthusiasm, I’m assuming everything will be fine.

Tonight is another episode of The Office. I’ve checked out the deleted scenes from last week and I began laughing out loud. Remember, Dwight K. Schrute quit Dunder-Mifflin, so this week it should be interesting to see if there is any way to get him back. I also decided to tape the Scrubs musical episode that airs after it tonight. Honestly, I don’t know if my DVR can tape two things on different channels at the same time, but I’m going to give it a shot. If anyone has any insight, let me know. I think if I watch one channel and tape another, it’ll be ok, but I’m not sure. I need to tape Grey’s Anatomy regardless, so I really don’t want to risk not taping that either. I have Grey’s on a series recording so I think that would take precedence over anything else I’ve set up. Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Anyway, the show looked to be pretty funny and the musical numbers were written by the scribes of “Avenue Q,” by far the funniest Broadway show I’ve ever seen. Definitely check it out if you get a chance. If you’re not convinced, just watch this clip to see if it’s something you’d enjoy.

Quality time with Sue and dance class tonight. TGIF… these short weeks always seem so much longer than normal! More tomorrow, I promise!

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