Friday, January 12, 2007

Can this day go any slower?

Slow news day on this front. Slow news day in my life, in all honesty!

Last night was dance class, and it was pretty much uneventful. I went back to J.’s, was attacked by dogs (and heinous wind - not fun while you’re filling up your gas tank) and we watched my shows that he DVR’d. Granted, he did it for his brother, but it was nice of him to play them so I could watch them too.

Speaking of which, The Office was a great episode: Dwight was late to work because he went to Corporate in NYC early that morning to deliver some documents for Angela, as she had missed a crucial deadline. The sales team partnered up for sales calls and Stanley’s reaction to Ryan’s crash and burn was nothing short of hysterical. Andy bit the big one on his trip with Michael and to redeem himself, badmouthed Dwight and got Michael to believe Dwight went to Corporate to undermine Michael (once again). Michael confronted Dwight and he resigned to avoid throwing Angela under the bus. That’s true love kids.. Angela seems to have an inkling that Andy is behind it, and I kind of feel bad for him. He has NO idea what she’s capable of, but I think he’ll find out soon enough. Karen found out from Phyllis that Jim had a wicked crush on Pam, but when confronted Jim downplayed it. She seemed ok with it, but let the tension commence!

I laughed my ass off watching My Name is Earl. Earl, Joy and Randy stole some silverware from the library/museum and because they were “too hot,” they buried them in one of the empty trailer lots. The episode basically told how they stole the silverware from the others from each of the culprit’s point of view. I think the funniest part was that before they told their story, they got their own “My Name is” moment on screen. I mean, who’s not interested in “My Name is Randy?”

J. is trying to get me into Scrubs, so we watched that episode too. I’ve caught it in reruns and found it pretty comical. He also let me borrow Season One, but as we all know, I need to catch up on Netflix before I do anything else! Anyway, it was a pretty funny episode. I guess if a show can make postpartum depression funny, anything is possible. Next week is the long awaited musical episode. The trailer itself was hysterical, so I might have to DVR that one also. At least I can clear out my DVR now that I’ve already watched the shows! That’s a plus.

Much to my surprise, I received my 3% raise in my paycheck this week. If I did get one (which I wasn’t quite sure of) I had assumed it would be effective at my year anniversary in April. I guess they took pity on me and decided to give it to me at the end of the year with everyone else. 3% really isn’t much, but it’s better than nothing! Once I get through this heinous pay period (seems all my bills are due at the same time) I think I’m going to sock away the extra money so I can have a little nest egg for Ireland. Every little bit helps, right?

We had a pizza party at work today for one of the secretaries. She’s quite pregnant and today is her last day before maternity leave. I had two slices of cheese pizza, even though I wanted about 5. We get the pizza from Pizzeria Sapienza, which is in the Knick/Pepsi/Times Union Arena or Center. It’s been the Times Union Center for about two weeks, but I have always called it the Knick and probably always will. Anyway, their pizza is REALLY good. I ran back during lunch to see if (points wise) I could have another slice. I took a very small one so I think I’ll be ok. Tonight is bowling and hopefully I will fare better than last week. What a train wreck that was. Other than that, not at all sure what my plans are. I have a long weekend for MLK Day, and I plan on using it to clean and relax. Sunday night’s weather is supposed to be kind of crappy, so that defeats my plans. I wanted J. to come down for the first time in what seems like weeks (oh wait.. it has been weeks), but if the weather’s bad it’s more convenient for him to be at his house as it’s closer to work. Wow.. I really might catch up on my Netflix and then some!

In celebrity news, both Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore are back on the market. I’m not a big Cameron Diaz fan and I think Justin can do better and hotter, so I look forward to his next pairing, although it looks to be Scarlett Johannson. I can give or take that one. Now if only Lucy Liu were single (is she?), it’d be a Charlie’s Angels trifecta. Aaron Spelling must be rolling over in his grave.

Hope you all have a great Friday and an even better weekend (preferably a long one).


Sandra said...

W.T.Fing F??YOU have MLK day off?? I no's not like you work for the state or anything... MLK Day is business as usual for virtually EVERYBODY (which-obviously-- includes moi)I'm going now to take a 5 min sulk break....

Unknown said...

Hey there Kara,

Hope you are having a good one! Anyhow, you're going to Cal's induction? I decided I may want to go see it since this is obviously a once in a liftime opportunity.

Are you in the city (NYC) or like in Upstate? Curious, because I went to NYU.

Anyhow, it's going to be a mess, so I don't know if I going to crash in NYC or what.

Hope all is well. Actually, I have not seen a lot of Cal on Youtubeor Google Video at all, because I wanted to post some stuff on my blog.

Hope you are having a good weekend!

- Anthony, the Oriole Post