Monday, January 29, 2007

The weekend was not quite what I'd bargained for..

That’s not to say it was bad, just… different. Friday night I went to bowling and didn’t bowl as terrible as usual, which was a nice surprise. I then went to Meadowgreens for dinner with Tre and some of her co-workers. What was REALLY nice about it is that one of them insisted on paying for everyone! That was a nice surprise also! Anyway, after that Tre and I ventured over to J.’s for the party. We didn’t get there until 11:30 and there were only 8-10 people there, which was kind of nice and not at all intimidating. The minute we got there we started playing flipcup with the guys and we were having a great time. As flipcup was winding down, J. and his buddy decide they are going to wrestle each other (they both wrestled in high school and have helped coach a local high school team). Anyway, his buddy gets J. into a hold and basically “chokes him out,” which I think is a self-explanatory term. J. is supposed to “tap out” if he’s losing air, which he doesn’t do. Therefore, he thinks J. is ok and lifts him up so he’s standing. When he lets go, J. goes down like a ton of bricks and hits his head on the floor. It was the most excruciating sound I’ve ever heard! He’s out like a light and eventually the guys get him up and take him outside. He comes back inside and just sits on the couch with his head in his hands. He then touches the back of his head and he’s got blood on his fingers. I admit, I freaked out, but it was only a flesh wound. He didn’t crack his head open or anything so that was a plus. It’s pretty obvious he has a concussion, and you’re supposed to keep someone awake when that happens. Two of the guys are EMT’s so they were taking pretty good care of him, but he didn’t want to be babied so I kind of kept my distance. After a half hour or so he bolts up the stairs and pukes, then took up residence in the bathroom. He was freezing cold so I got him his comforter and plopped him in front of the heater in the bathroom. He could not get warm and I was getting kind of nervous. I was able to keep him awake until about 4 am, but then I was exhausted and passed out myself. I did continue to wake him up during the night and he woke up every time. I think he was getting a little irritated but such is life. He got up around 9 am with a nasty headache and we laid in bed the whole rest of the day. Actually, we slept for the majority of it as he (and his comforter) were being bed hogs so I didn’t sleep that well the night before. I only left him for two hours to go home and shower before I was back to keep a watchful eye on him. He took a 15 minute shower and I was about to barge in to make sure he was OK when I heard the water turn off. Paranoid much? We went to dinner and had planned on going to see “Smokin’ Aces” but he was feeling a little nauseous and barely ate his dinner. Plus, when we drove past the movie theater (we were already late and I HATE being late to the movies) the line was out the door. That was when I reiterated to him that I didn’t care if we went to the movies or not. We’ll probably go this week because I NEED to see my 2nd boyfriend Jeremy Piven. Anyway, while we were at Friendly’s, my friend Shell, her husband and daughter walked in. Shell had yet to meet J. so I was glad that could happen. Apparently her daughter (my goddaughter) thinks he’s cute as she kept looking back and giving me the Ok and Thumbs Up sign!

Sunday I was at the gym pretty early, before the crowd. I then went through all these recipes I had downloaded off the internet and made up a grocery list. I LOATHE grocery shopping and the store was in a bit of disarray as they are remodeling, so it was even harder to find things. To make matters worse, I was trying to buy things I’d never heard of so it was a little difficult for me to maneuver. My cart was completely full, which never happens to me! I get to the checkout and my bill is $190.58. Yes.. for one person. I couldn’t believe it. I better not have to go to the store for another month because that is insane. I can’t even say I bought a lot of expensive things.. it just all added up! I’ll keep you posted on how my forays into cooking go, as it looks like I’ll be doing a lot of it from now on. Poor, poor J.

I had a meeting on Sunday night but I’m not prepared to divulge the details quite yet. Hopefully in a few more weeks I can tell you what it was about and how it will impact me and my life.

Anyway, that’s how my weekend turned out. It’s back to Monday and I might get fired for punching one of the attorneys (he who made me cry) but other than that, all is well. We have a real estate closing tomorrow (our first one) and he’s driving me to drink.. I also might have to scoot out early because I might have to bowl for my sister tonight. I kind of hope I don’t because I was looking forward to having the night to myself (and I’ll miss Heroes) but I don’t really have anything else to do so I might as well help out my Dad by doing it if he needs me. So, that’s the scoop. I’ll try to get back with some gossip later on today.

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