Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A somewhat musical post

A couple of weeks ago, my XM Radio mount unsuctioned itself from my window. I’m assuming it was because of the drastic change to cold weather, but regardless, I left it in my car and made no attempt to put it back up. I basically just listened to CD’s for a week or so. Last week, J. fixed it for me, so I’m back to flipping through my XM channels every time I get in the car. I’ve also taken to bringing my remote control with me everywhere. I put it in my purse (I only meant to do it overnight, but I’ve gotten a bit carried away) and I forget to take it out. If I leave it in the car overnight, it doesn’t work due to the cold. I give myself another week or so before I lose it for good. Anyway, the point of all this is that I was flipping through channels this morning and landed on one of my favorite songs ever: (Can’t Live Without Your) Love and Affection by Nelson. I turned the volume up as loud as it could go and jammed my way to work. It reminded me of a musical experience I had last week. I was listening to conventional radio and I heard the song “All She Wants to do is Dance” by Don Henley. I love that song and as I was singing it, couldn’t figure out what other song it reminded me of that I was also very fond of back in the day. Anyway, come to find out, it was Eddie Murphy’s “Party All the Time.” Oh yeah.. I was both embarrassed and amused by my musical taste. If anyone asks, I will not admit both songs are on my list of songs I need to download to my Ipod but if you see me with a cheesy grin on my face at the gym, you can probably figure out what I’m listening to.

The light in my office/cubby is perfect for plucking your eyebrows. Can I get fired for that?

I want to reiterate to my fellow bloggers and/or fans: I am not a slacker. I’m a relatively smart person who is bored to tears and very irritated with her job. I’m not about to go postal or anything, it’s just that writing this blog and billing the time in which I do it to large companies really makes me feel better about my job and gives me a reason to go to work every day.

The Police are reuniting to open the Grammy’s. I hope they play “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic.” That’s my favorite. They might even step out on a reunion tour, but we’ll have to see if that comes to fruition.

Daughtry’s concert at Revolution Hall in Troy sold out in minutes! Granted, it’s not a huge venue, but maybe that will give him incentive to come back and do another show that’s NOT on the biggest drinking day of the year. Just a thought…

I used to be a huge MTV junkie. I could tell you the names of every person on every season of The Real World and Road Rules, and where the seasons took place. Somewhere in my late twenties I stopped relating and kind of gave up. Now there are shows like Next and it pains me to turn on the channel. The only time I see videos are in the early morning hours. Anyway, my point is that even though I want to hate MTV, I can’t. I am addicted to the Real World/Road Rules Challenges. I didn’t watch Laguna Beach, but I can’t miss an episode of The Hills. Dancelife may be kind of scripted, but I still love the drama and the dancing. My Super Sweet 16 has solidified my thoughts that I might not want to have children. Whatever happened to Twentyfourseven? You can’t put someone in rehab and then never get back to their story!!!! Finally, Road Rules starts up again tonight after a three year hiatus. They are putting 6 former contestants into the RV (which is only traveling around Los Angeles) and the viewers get to decide who stays and who goes, with unknowns waiting in the wings to take their place. I’m sure it’ll be on 1400 times this weekend so I’ll catch it. Whether or not I stick with it is another story. I got really sick of Road Rules about five years ago, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to commit to it. I was always more a Real World fan anyway and I think the last full season I watched was San Diego… or maybe Austin. My point is, I watched one episode of Denver and wanted to vomit, and Key West? Forget it.. I might try again for Sydney, only because I’ve been there and I’m kind of curious to how the strangers will fare in a different country, albeit an English speaking one. What I’m trying to say is this: “My name is Kara, and I’m an MTV reality TV junkie.” (All together now) HI KARA…. Now I know how Lindsey Lohan feels…

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