Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Putting on your "game face"

I’ve never been the kind of girl that rolls out of bed looking fabulous. More the type that looks at the guy next to me and wonders how the hell he’s still here after seeing me in the morning. I guess that’s when you know someone really likes you: when they don’t run away in fright the morning after. I mean, what can I say? I have thin hair and skin that tends to get red when I sleep. So, you can imagine my horror when I realized I had forgotten to bring any makeup to J’s last night. All I had was some lipstick in my purse which was so not enough. Luckily, I realized this last night so I was able to take some precautionary measures, a la Kathy Griffin. As a D-list celebrity, she tries to milk every perk she gets. I remember an episode where she had a show and had her makeup (and I believe her hair) professionally done. She slept sitting up so as not to disturb the makeup. I didn’t go to that extreme, but I was conscious of the fact that nothing was going on my face this morning. When I took a shower I made sure not to get my face wet at all. It’s not an easy task. So, any makeup you can see on my face today, is left over from yesterday. Gross, but a necessary evil. I'm a little pasty and blotchy, but that's the real me. I really need to put together a complete overnight bag so I never forget anything. I also forgot deodorant, which is not a first for me. Not only do I look like crap, but I smell like a man. It's also now glaringly obvious that I need my eyebrows waxed. Oh yeah.. it’s gonna be a great day.

Before that, J. and I went to Applebee’s for dinner. He thought of the idea and was really proud of himself because they have the Weight Watchers menu. The Weight Watchers menu is great, but not for someone like me. Everything is good for you because it’s loaded with veggies, which I do not eat. He even said “maybe we need to get you started eating some sort of vegetables, because this can’t be easy without them,” and he’s absolutely right. Anyway, I was going to get the Tortilla Chicken Melt, which is an appetizer, but basically it’s a chicken and cheese quesadilla loaded with vegetables. So, I asked our waiter if the insides were already mixed or if I could get it with just chicken and cheese. He looked at me kind of strange and then said that it was not already mixed, but it would look kind of pathetic without the veggies. I should not have let him deter me. I should have just done it anyway, but I was so hungry and completely lost. I got my staple - the chicken fajita rollup, which (the way I eat it) consists of grilled chicken and cheese in a flour tortilla. I mean, how bad can that be? Granted, I ate the fries too… and two mozzarella sticks. But I accounted for all of it and that’s what your 35 flex points are for, am I right? So… I felt guilty, but I guess I’ll just work out like a fiend for the rest of the week and not go over my points. If I don’t lose, then it’s my own fault and I won’t make that mistake again. Seriously, why is weight so easy to put on, but so damn hard to take off?

That was my night, besides basking in the afterglow of Cal’s impending induction into the Hall of Fame. I have done nothing of substance today and I have some leftover gossip from yesterday, so I’ll be back later, as I’m sure this influx of work will peter out in the near future. Have a great morning and more to come later.

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