Friday, January 05, 2007

About Last Night...

At the end of my boring as all hell day, I hightailed it to J.’s and devoured my Chicken Helper. It put me two points over for the day, but the activity from dance class bought me even, so all is well in Points World. I spent much of my morning perusing the web site for tips on eating out and for some recipes. They have a potato cheese soup that I’m hoping to try in the near future. I mean, they are two of my favorite things in the world! I think I’ll probably spend some of my afternoon checking out the nutritional information on restaurant web sites to see if I can figure things out. Obviously, not much going on at work today, but I’ll try to make it look good.

I went to dance class, where we learned the new dance we had started a few weeks ago, but since everyone seemed to skip December, no one really knew it but one girl. The music is one of the larger drum cadences from the movie “Drumline.” I LOVE that movie and I love all the drum beats. We actually found it because one of the competition classes did a hip hop routine to it a few years ago. Regardless, great song and it makes me actually want to go to class, unlike our “Boot Scootin’ Boogie” routine. The dance was fun, but the song made me want to vomit a bit in my mouth. Anyway, we learned everything we’d missed and (as seems to be a trend) the other class wanted to see it. I think they’re just in shock and awe that “adults” still have rhythm. We then get the routine hounding about performing in the show. It’s not going to happen. I know Sue will refuse.. she’s had it with performing and from the get go we were told it was our choice. Another girl is getting married the week after the show and another will be 7-8 months pregnant. That leaves four of us in the class and if they’re not doing it, I’m not doing it. I believe I’ve mentioned it before that I really don’t want to perform for only one dance and pay for a costume that I’ll never wear again. Not high on my priority list. So, we played if off but we all know it’s not going to happen. Sooner or later they’ll figure it out.

It was such a nice night, so I ended up chatting with one of the girls in the parking lot for 15-20 minutes. I then played the good girlfriend and stopped to get J. a coffee on my way home. I was craving the hot cocoa, but I resisted. When I got home I was harassed by the dogs, and when I went upstairs J. was passed out on the couch. I woke him up real quick to give him the coffee and he was kind of out of it. So, I went to change into my jammies and such and then settled in on the couch to watch some TV. His cell phone rang… Nothing. House phone… Nothing. I woke him up because it was his brother on the phone, but he didn’t care. I finally took the remote from him. He woke up briefly, but had fallen asleep because he didn’t even flinch when I turned on the America’s Next Top Model marathon. (Side note: why can’t they just have an ANTM channel?) Around 10 I was pretty cold (he had the only blanket) so I went to bed to get warm. I gave it a final try around 10:45 to get him to come to bed and he almost moved. He finally came in around 2. He had been falling asleep at 6 when I got home originally, so I wasn’t really that surprised that he was so tired, but I’m pretty sure the bed would have been more comfortable than the couch.. especially when the dogs are involved. When he got up at 4:30 this morning he apologized, but I wasn’t really mad. I mean, I got three uninterrupted hours of dog-free sleep! I’ll let him make it up to me anyway. I was up for an hour or so this morning because Chavo, the basset hound, has figured out that if I’m still in bed there’s no reason he should have to go out or be forced into his cage. So, I got out of bed and walked downstairs. The minute he went through the doggie door I hightailed it back upstairs and closed the door. He was J.’s responsibility after that!

What else? Finally, it’s Friday. Granted, I’m making up work again, but won’t have to do that again until Monday. Tonight is bowling. I can’t expect it to go like last week, but I wouldn’t mind winning a little bit of cash for sure. I’ll probably head to J’s after that although I’m not sure how to get from Catskill to East Greenbush any other way than going through Hudson. I think I can take the Berkshire Spur but I’ve never had to so I don’t really know where that would deposit me. I don’t want to go too out of my way. Guess I need to research that. If it’s quicker it would defeat the purpose of me going home and then going an extra 25 minutes there when I can get there in the same amount of time another way. If anyone has any insight, let me know! I missed my shows last night, but I did DVR so my views will be forthcoming. I’ll try to be back with some entertainment news or random thoughts later, but enjoy your day and weekend!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Kara:

Nice blog! Spent a few minutes reading it and it was a cool way to blow a slow Friday here at work.

From one fellow O's fan to another, I'll be reading your blog often.

Have a good weekend, and I added your blog to my list...

Anthony -