Monday, March 12, 2007

There are good ways to be woken up...

and there are bad ways. Example: Sex is always a great way to wake someone up, even if they didn’t even know they wanted to have sex (If my mom is reading, that’s what Tre told me). A bad way: getting head butted by your boyfriend. That happened to me at 3 am. He’s had a tendency to flail about in his sleep, cold cocking me in the face more than once. Well, last night he literally grabbed my head, then head butted the hell out of me. I actually screamed, so loud that the dog pushed the door open to come in and see what was going on. J. didn’t wake up until I started slapping him, yelling “what the fuck?” He was so apologetic and I know he didn’t do it on purpose, but that’s not to say I wasn’t peeved, especially since I couldn’t fall asleep for at least an hour afterwards. I think I was a little nervous that it would happen again so I kept trying to position myself so there was no way his head could reach far enough to head butt mine again. I asked him if he was dreaming and he said “I think I was fighting with my brother.” Um… yeah… tell him “you’re welcome” the next time you see him cause I definitely took one for the team on that one. Happy Monday kids… more to come later.

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