Thursday, March 08, 2007

Snakes on a Plane

Oh yes.. I watched Snakes on a Plane last night. On purpose. I actually ordered it from Netflix. Let me explain: As an avid reader and subscriber of Entertainment Weekly, I was a victim of all the hype laid upon it before it’s opening last year. I was SURE it was going to be some sort of cult classic, but it kind of bit it at the box office. I couldn’t get anyone to actually go to the movie with me, but J. said he’d watch it on DVD. Famous last words. I got it in the mail on Tuesday and instantly showed him what he was in for. We were having trouble deciding what to do last night, so he suggested we watch it. We went to dinner first, which took forfuckingever and by the time we started the movie it was 9:00 (I forced him to watch the America’s Next Top Model elimination before we could start the movie). Now, we watched it in bed which is usually the kiss of death for me, but I didn’t turn the lights out nor did I get under the covers. I did put my jammie pants on though.. I mean.. there has to be comfort! Anyway, no more than 10 minutes in all I can hear is snoring coming from J. 10 minutes!? Give me a break! I knew he was tired and didn’t want to watch it in the first place, but I thought he’d put a little more effort in! Anyway, the movie was a tad slow to start, but I’m a little disappointed that it wasn’t as terrible as I had anticipated. There actually was a storyline and how can you not love Samuel L. Jackson!? I found the snakes and their attacks to look very animatronic, but that’s just me. Regardless, the effects were still nasty! I know they did use some real snakes and some CGI or something else, but they pretty much all looked fake during the attacks. The only unfortunate part is that you have to wait an hour and a half(ish) before you hear Mr. Jackson say “mother fuckin’ snakes on this mother fuckin’ plane. If you’re curious, I say give it a shot. There are way worse ways to spend an hour and 45 minutes.

I admit, I’m a little tired today because I was up at 3:30. I had the most heinous dream/nightmare. At least I think I did. All I remembered when I woke up was that J. and I had broken up. I didn’t know how or why, but I knew we weren’t together anymore. Imagine my surprise to find him fast asleep in my bed. I was completely freaked out. It was so vivid and real. I kept snuggling up to him to make sure he was there because he wanted to be and not just because it was convenient or something! He never really woke up which is surprising, as I tossed and turned for at least an hour and a half before finally falling asleep, only to be woken up by his alarm at 5:15. Obviously, everything was fine between us, but it really freaked me out. I haven’t told him about the dream yet as I was a tad comatose when he left this morning.

I actually searched out work today from one of the partners. It’s going to last me a few days, I can tell. At least I won’t be able to bitch that I’m not busy! Anyway, I should really get on that since I spent a solid hour of billable time researching bars in NYC for St. Patty’s Day. I made a pretty decent list and sent it along to everyone we’re going with. We always start at the Blarney Rock and then I’m kind of unsure where to go. Anyway, I looked up some of the other bars we’ve been to in the past and I’m trying to figure out if they’re all within some sort of walking distance. I don’t really want to go to tons of bars as the cover charges will be insane, but it seems wrong to go to just one place. I also don’t really feel like trying to get a cab as things will be crazy. Hell, if we can find one bar where we can get good seats on that day, we might just want to take advantage! Anyway, if anyone has any insight, feel free to comment! My other bars are the Pig N’ Whistle on 3rd, McFaddens and the Blarney Stone. I did look up a few that might be close to the Blarney Rock so we’ll see where we end up!

Almost time for lunch so I’ll get a move on. I’ll try to shoot you some gossip later but if not, just remember: Tomorrow is Friday. It could be Monday.. remember that!

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