Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cinematography... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (my apologies to cinematographers of the world).

Natalie Portman and Ben Stiller to present. Now THAT is how you wear a colored dress. She looks amazing in a bright pink gown.. while Ben Stiller looks like the unabomber.. and he's chewing gum.. Is it? Yep.. I had a feeling it was their way of poking fun at Joaquin Phoenix's "retirement." Ben Stiller really did look like he worked at a meth lab. Way to keep it together Natalie, while Ben Still wanders around the stage until it's his time to speak again. The cinematography nominees are: Benjamin Button, Slumdog Millionaire, The Dark Knight, Changeling and The Reader. The Oscar goes to the guy from Slumdog Millionaire. Ya know.. even through the whole intro, I still have no idea what a cinematographer does.

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