Tuesday, February 24, 2009

After five solid hours of blogging on Sunday night, I needed (and still do need) a break! Therefore, don't get mad at me if my blogs aren't quite as... consistent this week. I have A LOT going on!

Last night I left work a little early so I could get my hair cut and colored. I'm blonder (yay) and since I don't see the point in letting a good hair night go to waste, I stopped at the bowling alley aftewards. Ok, that's probably still considered a waste, but it was fun. Tre's team (her, my Dad, Billy Graz and Jason) were bowling against a few friends of ours, and the shit talking started VERY early in the morning, so I had to be there to check it out. Tre's team stepped it up once I got there, but I hope that doesn't mean I have to be there every week. I mean, I missed Heroes and everything! Anyway, I had a few beers and hit the hay the second I got home. Slept like a baby too..

Today wasn't special either. Work was consistent and while I was hoping to catch a movie tonight (as I have been for the last two months.. I'm in serious movie/popcorn withdrawal), I ran instead. Well.. running for me, which is probably a brisk walk for others! So here I am, sitting on my couch, watching NCIS and blogging as I await the Real Housewives of Orange County reunion show on Bravo. Yes, I'm well aware there's a Presidential Address on at 9, which is exactly why I'm watching Bravo! A new NYC Housewives is on at 10.

Did I mention that I watched High School Reunion on TV Land? Love Love Love.. One episode in and I already can't wait to see what happens. I can even remember most of the people on the show too, which is pretty impressive as there's quite a few to remember. If you get TV Land, definitely give it a shot!

In case you're wondering New York Post, I'll be more than happy to take that job on for half the pay!

But they always looked so happy (note the sarcasm)...

Nicole Richie is pregnant with her second child with Joel (I think it's Joel) Madden from Good Charlotte. This child will be the younger sib to their daughter Harlow.

I swear my post it was chock full from the last two days, but my brain and body are fried. Get ready for the day o'hump as I prepare for my last soccer game (at least until September)!

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