Saturday, January 31, 2009

I couldn't have said it better myself....

I can't figure out how to embed this You Tube video into my blog (I tried copying and pasting the embed thing, but it didn't work) so click on this to see Millar at his best.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

not that I'm all that into seeing baseball vids, but I thought I'd help ya out with the embed difficulties (since I'm an embedding fool)A lot of times when I copy the ginormous embed thing from YouTube or hulu and then go paste it into my post, it will only paste a line or half line of what is a paragraph sized block of html. I don't know why it happens, but I've found an effective workaround-- after copying the embed code, paste it into a word doc, then Ctrl A & Ctrl C in that new doc, and then paste THAT into your post. That almost always works for me, though I've no clue as to why.