Monday, January 19, 2009

Today was my first weigh in at Weight Watchers and I'm happy to say I lost 3.8 pounds, even though I went on a bit of a bender yesterday. I ate ok, but I did drink way more than I expected to. Granted, I was happy that for a while Meadowgreens had MGD 64, but Tre and I drank them out of it pretty quickly! The other nice thing was that I was there from 2:30 - 11:30 and spent $25.00. A friend of ours was having fun and didn't want us to leave, so he basically paid for the majority of our drinks. That was an unexpected, but very welcome surprise!

I was supposed to go see Bride Wars all weekend, but it didn't happen, so instead I spent my evening making dinners for the week. I'm not a real big meal planner, but I'm doing my best. I've even found some other recipes, I just don't have enough room or time to make everything! I don't want to make something, then waste it.

Mad Men's Matthew Weiner has signed a contract to stay with the show, which is great news.

Stephanie on Rock of Love got booted for being an annoying bitch.. Well, that and apparently she had a boyfriend and talked tons of smack about Brett. Again.. you're on a reality TV show.. If you are on your cell phone (that you're not supposed to have) SOMEONE is gonna find out! He FINALLY kicked off scary ex porn star Brittaney, to keep my girl Beverly. I'm so happy, but I will miss the drama queens just a bit. I also think Brittaney is delusional and scary.. Apparently Brett felt the same way.

I had a long list of things to blog about, but I lost it. So I'm afraid this is all I've got time for. If I find the post-it, I'll be back. Enjoy your evening!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Even knowing your great affinity for reality TV, I am still a smidge taken aback that you watch Rock of Love. I've paused in my channel surfing--EVER SO BRIEFLY--to marvel at that show..but I flip away quickly after a minute or 2, feeling filthy & frightened.