Saturday, January 10, 2009

I've had such a crazy busy and tiring week that blogging has taken a backseat. Ok.. well.. it's kind of in the trunk, but I'm working on getting it back to shotgun, I swear!

LOTS to cover, so let's not waste any more time:

As we all know, I don't pay any attention to politics, current events (unless you can find it on TMZ) or.. well.. the news. But I saw Ann Coulter's interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show this week, and all I can say is DAMN.. that bitch is batshit crazier than most! I just remember her continuously referring to our new president as B. Hussein Obama. Yes.. he's the antichrist Ann, cause however many years ago, his mother gave him a middle name that HAPPENS to be the same as a scary dictator type. You're right.. it's all his fault. Like I said.. the reigning Queen of Crazy Town..

The other day on the way to work I heard "Freedom" by Wham. It was then and only then, I realized why George Michael named his classic hit "Freedom 90." Seriously.. I never realized it until then. It went completely over my head. Perhaps if he'd made "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go 90" I would have gotten it a little sooner.

On the MSN web page the other day, they had a link where you could find out who your celebrity love match would be. I was intrigued, so I clicked it. NOTHING ever gets blocked on my work computer, however I couldn't find out who my celebrity love match was because it was blocked as the content was "cult/occult." Does that mean my celebrity love match was Marilyn Manson? Ew.

Oh yeah.. this snow can stop ANY TIME. I'm supposed to go to Sue's baby shower tomorrow and while I'm not saying I adore showers of any kind, I'm anxious to give her my present! However, she knows about it and threatened my life if I risked mine to come to her shower, so at least I know she'll understand if I can't make it.

90210 is BACK with a vengeance! An HIV scare, teen pregnancy and a fake illegitimate son. Oh 90210, how I've missed you so!

Then there are my Housewives.. This week's episode was pretty catty, mostly thanks to Vicki and Tamra. I'm not saying Lynne is the sweetest girl in the world, but be a little more subtle when you completely ostracize someone! Next week's episode looks like an ultimate trainwreck when Gretchen gets drunk and seemingly seduces (or allows herself to be seduced by) Ryan, Tamra's son! I know!!! It's what to watch!

Soccer was.. well.. interesting. It was the first game of the session and only hours prior, our goalie bagged. We had enough players, but NO GOALIE! Who wants to play goalie? No one! lol.. Nikki and Alyssa picked up the slack and did a great job. We lost to a great team, 3-2, and the one goal they got could not have been stopped by ANYONE! Unfortunately, I could not have kicked a ball if it had been glued to my foot. I don't know what my problem was, but I seriously whiffed at least twice. I just didn't have it that night for some reason.

T-minus a day until I start Weight Watchers again.. the constant eating has commenced and will continue through tomorrow. Thank you for asking!

I went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button this afternoon. I really liked it, but I don't know if I would say it was the best movie I've ever seen. It was really long and didn't feel like it, but I guess I expected more. The makeup was amazing and it was a great story. I guess there was just so much hype, ya know? Kind of like Heath Ledger's performance in The Dark Knight.. but that lived up to it. Let me reiterate.. I really enjoyed it..

Speaking of today, THIS happened not far from where I live. Actually, on the highway I take to get to work every day. Thank God no one was hurt but the gunman! The chances of that are pretty slim, wouldn't you think?

I hate to disappoint my sister, but her boyfriend got married...

Get well soon Patrick Swayze!!!!

I've spent a busy night basically doing nothing but playing around on Facebook, so I'm gonna call it a night! I'm going to attempt to live blog the Golden Globes tomorrow, but I make no promises! Drive carefully if you're in the Northeast!!

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