Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Like I needed another reason to love Tom Colicchio... Regardless. I got one.. we have the same birthday!

Kimora Lee Simmons is expecting her third child, but her first with Djimon Hounsou. That's gonna be one TALL kid!

Fringe is back on TV tonight for the first time in what seems like forever and I have to say I'm downright giddy about it. Well, that and all the drama happening on 90210. I'm slightly ashamed, but in a good way.

I tried pilates last night. I don't know if I'm a big fan. I always have issues with breathing while I exercise and for some reason my back never seems to hit the floor the way it's supposed to. That's not a good thing with pilates. I think if Mari Winsor were in the room with me she would have been EXTREMELY disappointed. I just got my new Jillian Michaels DVD in the mail today, but I probably won't get a chance to try it out until this weekend. I have a 10:00 soccer game tomorrow night to prepare for!

Again, I left my post it note of notes at work so this is all I've got for the day. Don't forget to hump tomorrow!

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