Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On my way to work this morning I heard a dance mix of "Single Ladies" by Beyonce. Um.. why?

People in my office have strange ways of dressing. This is what I've witnessed in the past few days:
A woman wearing a completely black suit with tan shoes;
A woman wearing a tan dress, black transparent hose and tan open toed shoes. FYI - It's January.
A woman wearing peach jeans. Just because they're not blue, doesn't make them NOT jeans.
A FEW people wearing puffy vests. Since when have puffy vests become work wear?

We all know how much I hate when people wear black with brown and do it wrong, so this has certainly been a banner few days.

It's FINALLY official: Nick Markakis will be an Oriole until at least 2014! The O's have also come to terms withe Luke Scott, leaving only George Sherril for arbitration.

Watchmen will be coming to theaters as scheduled, which means now I really will have to ge the book soon! Maybe once I finish reading New Moon. I'm seriously hooked. I read 100 pages on my lunch the other day.

Now that Matthew Weiner has signed back on, Mad Men is scheduled to return with its new season in July.

When you think "kick ass Hollywood duo," don't you automatically think Cher and Johnny Knoxville? Someone does..

If this were to happen, I have to say I can only imagine how pleasantly surprised I would be.

I've got to get a move on. I have a 10:00 (yes.. that's PM) soccer game tonight so I can imagine I'm not going to be in very good spirits tomorrow. That means we won't get home until at least midnight tonight, and this is NOT our only late game. I don't know who we pissed off to get such a shitty schedule, but I apologize!!!

I ate pizza today for lunch and it was AMAZING.. and yes, I stayed within my points. You hae got to love Weight Watchers!

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