Friday, November 10, 2006

What I SHOULD be doing

is having "staff lunch" with my co-workers. We do this every month where the office buys us lunch and it's pretty nice, not having to spend your own money. However, today the lunch is chicken with rice and salad. If anyone knows me, they know that's not what I consider lunch. I mean, I'll eat the chicken, but that's it. Plus, I have to skip lunch today because right after work my weekend is beginning! I guess I'll just run downstairs and get a bag of chips or something to hold me over until I get in the car.

Update: Lunch wasn't rice... but pasta with some unidentifiable white sauce.. NOT alfredo. I'm proud of and stand by my decision.

The picture you see is of my friend Jess, reenacting a scene from my other friend, Amy's trip to see Jess and her boyfriend in Salisbury, Mass (She tripped over a lobster trap on the beach near Jess and Ryan's place - granted, it was dark and I have a feeling she was paying more attention to a certain someone rather than the lobster trap in front of her). I'm going to head over there right after work and meet up with both Jess and Amy. We plan on kicking back a little tonight and having a good time and then heading down to Amy's place in Boston on Saturday. It looks like it'll be a little cloudy but in general, the weather should hold out. I haven't been to Boston since the last time I went to see Amy (YEARS ago - Sorry Aim) so I have a feeling we'll be doing quite a bit of walking around and maybe even stopping into a few bars.. Guess I won't wear my O's shirt.. I get enough ridicule living in New York! So, there'll more than likely be pictures aplenty. As you can see, Jess isn't afraid of a camera!

Last night I skipped dance (I know, I'm a slacker) so I could pack for the trip. I'm a bit of an overpacker and surprisingly I got everything I thought I'd need into my one overnight bag. I'm pretty impressed with myself and can't wait to find out what i accidentally left at home. J. came down and we went to the Moosehead with Jen and Matt for wings. He got to hear some entertaining stories and I got to have wings and french fries smothered in cheese and gravy. It'll probably be the last time I have those in a while since I'm attempting to go back to the gym on Monday and be good about what i'm eating. Basically.. NOT eat out and eat crap every day. Anyway, I meant to go into work early today so I could leave even earlier, but it's kind of hard to get out of your bed when there's a cute, warm boy already in it, am I right? Thank god he normally goes to work hours before I do! So, here I am, counting down the minutes until 4:30. Well, 4:30ish.. the office manager is also headed to Boston this weekend and she's leaving at 3 so I figure I can sneak out a little closer to 4 without anyone being any the wiser. On that note, hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back with a posting and some pictures early next week!

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