Thursday, November 16, 2006

I know, I'm on a roll

It's been a heinously boring week at work. Nuff said.

Does anyone besides me not care about the TomKat wedding? I guess I'm bitter about how he's brought down my little Joey Potter. I long for the good old days: A gay prom date, Pacey-Dawson catfights and sleeping through finals with Oliver Hudson. I never ONCE asked for over the top PDA and an illegitimate child! What have you done, Tom Cruise? I mean, really? Who thought both my Dawson's Creek girls were spreading their legs before marriage!? Ok, well you expected it from Michelle Williams, but not good, Catholic Katie!!!!

I do want to see the dress though. Does that make me a bad person?

Speaking of knocking up - Jamie Pressly (Joy on My Name is Earl) announced her pregnancy on the Jay Leno show. She got engaged a few weeks ago and is apparently 4 months along. God, I hope they write that into the show cause I can only imagine how much funnier and ornery Joy would be pregnant!

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