Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Have I mentioned that I hate my job?

Monday was another busy day at work. I had been given an assignment on Friday but I was too busy doing the other one, that I kind of forgot what the one for Monday was. So, I emailed the heinous bitch to ask her to refresh my memory. She then emailed me to ask me to come to her office. That is NEVER a good sign, especially not on a Monday. So, I sit down and she tells me what I’m supposed to do (again, drafting documents) and then busts out the documents I drafted on Friday. She basically tells me that I suck at drafting documents. Um… thanks? Did I really need to come down here to have you tell me that? Anyway, she goes on to say that it’s probably because I’m not given enough of an opportunity to do so and that maybe I need more training. More training? How about SOME training.. that would be fabulous! So yeah… I JUST got back from having the same chat AGAIN.. To which I again stated that I’d never had training and apparently everyone thinks everyone else is training me. I mean, seriously! Some semblance of communication would be great. I spent the afternoon on hold with the Department of State and when I finally got through to a person, I swear she hacked up her entire lung while we were on the phone. I transferred her to my paralegal cohort because I couldn’t take it anymore. She was supposed to call me back and never did until this afternoon. So, the morning was spent talking to her direct supervisor who got me what I needed. He is my new best friend.

Because my day was very “Monday,” I decided to skip the gym in favor of getting some stuff done at home. I actually picked up some of J.’s laundry on my way home. His washer/dryer are pretty slow and he’s been working a lot so I’m pretty sure he’s on his last pair of boxers. Therefore, I told him I’d do some of his laundry for him. I got two pretty good sized loads done so he should be happy. Anyway, when I got home I made some mac and cheese, unloaded the dishwasher and opened my mail. I ended up getting my sister’s Christmas present in the mail, along with the three dresses I’d ordered from Macy’s for my upcoming Christmas party. I subsequently took all three dresses back to Macy’s today. I don’t think the people in my office need to see that much of my boobs. After I got everything done I settled in on the love seat and put in Secretary, starring Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader. Interesting movie. I’m not quite sure how I feel about it. I thought it showed the dynamic of such a relationship in a different way and both are insanely good actors. I think I like Maggie Gyllenhaal. I should see more movies she’s in. Anyway, it was worth seeing and if you’re into S & M, this is definitely the film for you! I was going to watch the movie straight through and watch Heroes later, but I had to find out if they Save the Cheerleader (and Save the World - they did... so far)! God, I love that show. It confuses the hell out of me sometimes, but that’s what intrigues me. Next week they’ll go back six months in time so we can see why some things have happened the way they have.

For my Project Runway pals, Tim Gunn is not yet signed on for season four of the insanely popular show. Considering he is one of the key reasons the show is so popular, I’m sure that’s just an oversight. It seems they can’t start shooting at Parsons until the semester is over because Tim is too busy and there’s really not that much room for the contestants in the school. If Tim is not involved I will watch, but I won’t like it. The boys at Project Rungay are now going through the first season of the show, which I didn’t start watching until I got sucked into a marathon near the end. I really need to get the first season. I wonder if I can Netflix that. I never thought of that! Time to do some research!!!

Tomorrow I’ll only be in for a half dayish. We have an “excursion” to go on from noon until two and then we get to leave at 3. Apparently we are supposed to do something in the summer as an office, but it didn’t happen. They’re not telling us what we’re doing but we can’t dress casual. That ruins it for me. I LOVE wearing jeans to work! Anyway, God knows we’re eating somewhere cause we NEVER go without eating around this place, but other than that, I have no idea. After I leave I have to make a cake for our friend, whose birthday is on Wednesday. Tre and I are having people over Wednesday night as we’ve realized we’ve hit that threshold where we’re too old to go out and have a great time on the night before Thanksgiving. I remember I was all psyched to go out last year and it was kind of uneventful. I’m going out and seeing kids I taught bowling to in the Pee Wee Leagues and that’s insanely disconcerting. I’d just as soon stay in with my friends. Hell, now I can play darts and pool at home so why leave!?

Oh yeah.. J. is coming to Thanksgiving dinner. That could be interesting. I don’t know what I’ve said about him, but he’s pretty blunt and says exactly what he thinks. My Aunt Colleen (my grandmother's sister) will be at dinner and I’m curious to see how that dynamic works. She's a handful. I’m pretty sure my mom doesn’t like him so I only hope he’s on his best behavior. Not that my mother has said she doesn’t like him, nor has he done anything to get her not to like him, but it’s a mother thing. My ex moved back into town (engineer, great guy, good money maker) right around the time J. and I got together and I think she thought we’d rekindle our relationship and all would be well. Unfortunately, I don’t have those feelings for him anymore (call me bitter, but not asking me to move down south with him put a bad taste in my mouth). We’re still friends, but that’s it. In all honesty, I haven’t seen him since he got back here, which means I haven’t seen him in a little over four years. Crazy, huh? Anyway, that’s the story and I just hope everything goes smoothly and J. doesn’t make another “bowling isn’t a sport” comment in front of my family. Baby steps.

Hopefully I’ll be able to post tomorrow, but if not, have a great Thanksgiving and I should have some pictures and stories to post over the weekend.

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