Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Finally - the weekend recap

Friday night my sister’s soccer team lost in the Sectional Finals to Burnt Hills. Apparently it was a very physical game and they only lost 2-1. I believe it’s the farthest Ichabod Crane has ever gone in girl’s soccer so congratulations to them on an impeccable season!

Saturday began the day long celebration of J.’s birthday. I guess that was my fault. I’m a strong believer in birthday weekends, where as he’s more apt to not mention it at all. So, we went to lunch at Houlihan’s, mainly because I was craving some potato cheese soup. It was fabulous, might I add. However, our time management skills aren’t quite as good as we missed the matinee showing of The Departed, which I STILL haven’t seen. Our movie options weren’t all that great, even though we were at Crossgates. It’s a Cinema 18 and it was really hard to find a movie to watch. I’ll be honest, I’ve never see Da Ali G show so even with all the hype I’m not real excited about the Borat movie. I’ve heard a lot about it now that it’s opened so I might see it, but I wasn’t prepared for it Saturday afternoon. Instead we went to see Saw III. I’m not much for horror movies but I’ve seen the other two and this one was pretty good at tying things up in a nice little bow. It kind of brought the three movies together. I didn’t hate it, let’s put it that way. I think J. was pretty proud that I didn’t jump once. Granted, I closed my eyes a few times, but hopefully he was too busy watching the movie to notice that!

I think I mentioned it before, but if not, I got a hotel room at the Hampton Inn downtown for Saturday night so J. and I could both go out and have a good time as usually one of us has to drive. So, we checked into the hotel room and then went to dinner at the Bayou. Unfortunately, they had a limited menu but the food was still pretty decent. We then trekked down the street to the Palace Theater to see Lewis Black: Red, White and Screwed. It was a really good show and even the opener, John Bowman, was pretty entertaining. I was pretty happy that it wasn’t completely political humor, as I’m a little lax in my news watching. Any political references were actually ones I could understand. He performed for just over an hour and then we were off to Jillian’s, where it was fight night. So, we stood around and watched some fights on TV. It was around that time we found out that it was just gonna be the two of us because his friend that was supposed to come up, wasn’t able to. I can’t say I was all that upset as we were both pretty tired and I didn’t think I’d make it much past midnight. However, I had spent over $100 on a hotel room and we were going to drink enough that I would not have been able to drive home! We did end up staying out until about midnight and then hightailed it back to the room. The new Hampton Inn downtown is pretty nice. I LOVED the shower. I think I just like showers with seats in them. Makes leg shaving and relaxing that much easier!

The next morning we had breakfast at the East Greenbush Diner and my friend Shannon happened to sit right behind us with her mom. This all goes back to my “small world” post earlier today. I then went home to clean the house for Monday night’s jewelry party and take a shower because I was meeting J. again to have dinner with him at his sister’s house. I’ll admit it. I was scared shitless. I don’t know, his parents don’t live here so meeting his sister and brother that do live here is kind of comparable and I was stressed the fuck out about it. Come to find out, for no reason. Things went really well, I think. She’s just as sarcastic as he is so I basically treated her like I treat him. Hopefully it worked and they don’t hate me! Anyway, I had to stop and get chips and dips and such for the party but when I got home there was a party going on in my front room. My sister and father managed to put the pool table together so everyone was playing. I think my mom is a shark. Must be all those years of Grandpa owning a bar! I beat Tre, but I set Mom up like you wouldn’t believe so she could win. I guess we just really need to practice. Tre and I are still trying to figure out who taught us to hold a pool stick because we do it the same way, but it's not the right way for sure! I think the bar might be set up today and now the front room is looking like the play room we’ve always wanted. Guess it’s time to start hosting people and stop going out to save some money!

God, I think that’s just about everything. No pictures this week.. Maybe this weekend when I catch up with Jess and Amy, two of my three college roomies my senior year. I have a feeling there’ll be some incriminating shots if those two are involved!

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