Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I'm being a bit of a slacker

I would post something gargantuan, but I don't have time. That's mainly because I spent a solid hour or so (of billable time) reading this blog. If you do go read it, be aware that it can get pretty damn depressing and start at November 1 of this year. All I can say is that I hope someday, someone loves me that much.

Last night was pretty boring... laundry, pictures (obviously) and the gym. Yep, it didn't fall down when I walked in which I figure is a good sign. I'm not REAL sore today, but I didn't completely push myself either. I have a habit of getting all gung ho about the gym, and getting sick days later so I'm easing myself back in. 28 minutes on the elliptical and 20 on the treadmill was plenty for the first day. I sure do miss my Ipod though.. I borrowed my sister's mp3 player, but it just wasn't the same. And it ran through its charge on me mere minutes after I got on the treadmill. Maybe I shouldn't be around electrical appliances. Tonight - The Departed!!! I WILL post about it tomorrow...

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