Monday, November 27, 2006

If you find a way to put me out of my misery

I'll be your best friend!!!! Yes, it's that first day back at work after a long weekend which always sucks, but in my case, it's super sucking! I'm bored to tears and literally making up work. I've thought about it a lot over the weekend and I think I'm going to actively look for a new job. I don't want to because I feel like a bit of a failure leaving under a year, but I'm really sick of being this miserable. The only time I'm in a good mood is when I'm not here and that's not too often! So, if anyone knows of any great paying paralegal jobs, let me know! lol.. I think it's a pretty dead time for people to be looking for jobs, but this time last year is when I started and just look where it got me! (ok, bad example).

So yeah.. it's "Cyber Monday." OOOOOOhhhh.. scary! I might have decided what I'm getting for J. for Christmas (finally). He hasn't been really good at telling me what he wants and I kind of don't want him to because I'd like there to be a slight element of surprise. Anyway, he has a digital camera but it's bulky and there's no memory card. I guess the pictures just stay on the camera until you get rid of them. Weird, but whatever. So, I found a Kodak digital camera with a docking station that's also a photo printer, which would work out really well considering he doesn't have his own computer. I'm going to give it about another week or so of thinking before I order it... ya know, see if he alludes to something or gives me hints on anything else. I feel bad because I'm not being really good at handing out the hints either. I asked my parents for a new Ipod and other than that, I don't really need anything. I need clothes, but I can't ask him to buy me clothes and a gift certificate is kind of impersonal when it comes to that kind of thing. I did ask him for a hot personal trainer but he didn't seem too gung ho over that idea. I told my sister that if he asks he should get me something I like, that I can't afford.. like a pedicure or massage or something. I'd get a pedicure every god damn week if I could afford to! We'll see how he does. My sister might have something up her sleeve, ya never know. If not, I'm sure whatever he does will be fine. I mean.. who doesn't like getting presents!?

Not much else to report on this end.. I was digging the whole Britney comeback but ever since she's hooked up with Paris Hilton she's hooched herself to the brink. I really think that bitch needs an intervention! Get that girl on the A & E channel, STAT!

Speaking of stat, I watched Thursday's "SUPER-SIZED" episode of Grey's Anatomy the other day. Right now, Christina and Burke are splits-ville and I'm curious to see where their relationship (and Burke's career) are going. And am I the only one that thinks George is being a bit of a douche bag? I mean.. it's very stressful what he's going through but that's when you might want to think about letting bygones be bygones (cause you WERE on a break when she banged McSteamy) and let people take care of you and make sure you're ok. One last thing.. did you not die when Callie almost beat the shit out of Meredith!? Granted, Callie was wrong and ended up not doing it, but I love that she never apologized for it and she would have snapped Meredith like a twig. She's my favorite new addition to the show. Ooh.. one more thing.. how soon do you think it'll be before Karev gets Addison into the sack? She was making all sorts of googly eyes at him. Hell, she might as well bang him too, as she's banged every other hot white guy on the staff.. Hee hee.. I said staff. Ok.. I'm done thinking about hot doctors and juvenile plays on words. Time for lunch.. have a good rest of your afternoon!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I watched the last Grey's Anatomy eppy while AT WORK on Fri. It was probably the only thing that saved me from a boredom-induced coma.
Anyways...I don't know if you're the only one thinking that George is being a douchebag, but if there is a contingent of you in this mindset, well.. you and all the others are mistaken. You are wrong, wrong, WRONG.