Monday, February 26, 2007

It's been a long day...

I finally got out of work at 7:30 so I didn’t have the extra time to blog this afternoon. So, lucky you, I’m finishing things up tonight! The rest of my afternoon actually went by pretty quickly, even though it was insanely frustrating. I just hope to get out on time tomorrow and then my week will be pretty well set.

Anyway, Grey’s Anatomy. As expected, they didn’t kill off Meredith, instead killed off her mother. I can’t say I’m really disappointed, as I thought the mother plotline wasn’t that great in the first place. I was pretty sure they weren’t going to kill off Meredith, but I really didn’t see the mother thing coming. I’m waiting for Callie to knock Izzie’s block off, and I did like how Izzie felt Denny in that hallway. I admit I got a little teary over that. It was a good episode, but I think they could have finished the plot line in two, rather than three. How about them considering spinning off Addison’s character into her own show? I hated her when she first came on the show, but now I kind of have a soft spot for her. Also, Taye Diggs has signed on for a role in the show. I know he hasn’t had much luck when it comes to television shows, but the man is so easy on the eyes. You can’t deny that!

The Office was a stellar episode, directed by JJ Abrams. In a nutshell, Karen pulled a fast one on Jim by having him believe every guy at the party was an ex of hers. I don’t want to like Karen, but I enjoyed watching her put one over on Jim. Michael and Jan had their “coming out” party and as expected, it didn’t go that well. Jan tried to pull Michael into the bathroom for a quickie, but he wasn’t prepared for it and made Jan feel uncomfortable. Still, they did not break up (as expected) and for some reason are still an Office couple. Speaking of couples, Pam told Roy about the kiss between her and Jim and he FLIPPED. He and his brother broke many mirrors and glasses at the happy hour bar and Pam walked out. It looks like the honeymoon is over, and I don’t see the two of them getting over this. Also, I’m curious to find out what Roy is going to do and/or say to Jim and how that will affect his relationship with Karen. I don’t think she’s quite as “in the know” about Pam and Jim as she leads herself to think. What I’m trying to say is that it was another great episode and I can’t wait to see the next one, although it won’t be this week.

That’s the best I can do for now. Heroes is on and it’s centered around HRG and the Bennett family. After that, I’m actually skipping The Hills and Dancelife to watch the premiere of The Black Donnellys. I’ll let you know what I think, but I was happy to learn that it stars one of the stars of one of my favorite movies, The Sandlot. Thomas Guiry played the new kid in the neighborhood who knew nothing about baseball. Now he’s all grown up and starting trouble and I look forward to seeing it! Hope you all have/had a great night and I’ll try to post tomorrow. I make no guarantees as I should be pretty busy at work, but I’ll do my best. Hopefully I can get everyone out on time because I don’t want to stay late again.

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