Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I'm kinda back

I apologize for the lack of posting. As I mentioned, I was pretty sick. I finally made it to the doctor today (damn holiday) and he said I had pharyngitis and an inflammation of my lingual tonsils. He did give me a prescription for amoxicillin (thank god) although I don't think he really wanted to as I obviously wasn't as bad today as I was over the weekend. And oh yeah.. I have to go in for blood work where he's testing me for lyme disease, thyroid and other such things since I've been so damn exhausted for the last two weeks. I've only had to give blood once and I'm scared shitless to do it again. Yep... I'm a pussy. Anyway, my fever finally broke on Monday morning, after a disastrous attempt to go to the Fair on Sunday night.. I kind of knew I shouldn't have gone but my fever went down for a while and I REALLY wanted a corn dog.. and gravy fries.. and a 4-H milkshake (i didn't get one of those though). I ended up in the beer tent and lasted about an hour before I just couldn't do it anymore. I felt completely awful and when I got home I had a temperature over 100 degrees. I took some Nyquil and passed out shortly after. I didn't even get to ride the mechanical bull which made it's illustrious return to the Chatham Fair this year. I handled the bull quite well a few years ago and could not WAIT to do it this year once I heard it was back. However, my neck was so swollen that i really couldn't move it so I didn't think riding a mechanical bull was going to help the situation. It was pretty disappointing. I love the fair! It's one of my favorite weekends of the year. I love the food, the beer tent and seeing the random people (and oh yeah, the mechanical bull). So, for me not to be there, I HAD to feel like shit!

Obviously, because I didn't leave my house, I don't have much to tell you. When I got home on Thursday I found myself in the midst of a Britain's Next Top Model marathon. I'm sorry, but I was really shocked at how not pretty those girls were. I guess the ideas of beauty are different across the pond and if that's the case, when can I move there?! And many thanks to MTV for having three America's Next Top Model marathons on this weekend to keep me busy. For real, I flipped between an ANTM marathon and a How Do I Look marathon ALL DAY on Saturday. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. This morning I got hooked on a marathon on "The Fashionista Diaries" on SoapNet. Don't ask me how... the premise is there are six people who are assistants in NYC and they've vying for full time positions. Two of the girls work at Flirt Cosmetics, two more work for some PR house with the bitchiest woman I've ever seen, and another girl and guy work for the now defunct Jane Magazine. Well, the final episode in the marathon was when the two who work for Jane find out their magazine is folding through a text message from one of the other assistants. OUCH! I'm totally enthralled with it and can't wait for Wednesday night at 9 to see what happens. Shit.. soccer starts tomorrow night so I might have to DVR it.. I can't risk missing it!!!!

Speaking of soccer, yes, we start tomorrow night and I'm looking forward to it. I don't know if I'll be able to play because... well, there's no room in my mouth to breathe and do anything else at the same time so I don't know how it'll work. My mom and sister got me shin guards the other day and I'm happy to have found a new reason to wear my yellow tie dyed rugby socks, cause I sure as hell don't see myself wearing them to play rugby again anytime soon!

Zach won HOH on Big Brother and nominated Jessica and Jameka. I think he's trying to use this opportunity to backdoor Eric, but we'll have to wait another hour or so to see what happens with that. My sister is soooooo pissed I got her into the show. I told her it was like crack but she wouldn't believe me...

I'm pretty sure I'll be crazy busy at work tomorrow so I doubt I'll get the chance to post, but I'll try to do it again as soon as I can. Ya know... get back into your good graces ;). Take advantage of the hump day!!!

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