Sunday, September 09, 2007


I started bowling Friday night. It was a debacle of epic proportions. I bowled pretty crappy, but considering I haven't picked up a ball since April, I should cut myself a little slack. Between fending off Jason's advances and heading to Wal-Mart, it was one hell of a night. I came home, watched Rescue Me and hit the hay. Sadly, my forearm is still sore. Guess I have to get used to bowling again.

I did absolutely nothing on Saturday and it felt pretty good. I tried to get my friends to go to the drive-in, but it rained and no one wanted to watch a movie between the windshield wipers. We went to see Halloween instead. So NOT my first choice. Halloween scares the absolute shit out of me and the only reason I went was because I had showered and hated wasting it. Plus, there was popcorn involved. To be honest, it wasn't a terrible movie. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't great, but I don't think any horror movies are. We stopped at Melino's for a drink after the movie but it was dead (shocker).

I didn't do much of anything today either. It was pretty much the exact kind of weekend I needed to get back to my normal self again (I think). I hit the gym, then made fat free rice krispie treats. NOT the easiest thing to make. Very sticky, that's for sure. I doubt I'll do that too many times. They came out fine though... who doesn't love a fat free treat?

In sad news, there was a murder-suicide in Schodack on Saturday and I found out it was J.'s best friend's cousin that did the murdering. I felt really bad because I sent J. a text just for fun (something only he would find funny) and the response I got back wasn't so great. So, I asked if he was ok and he then called to tell me what was going on. Yet another one of those situations where I didn't know what to say and it didn't matter because nothing I could say would be the right thing. I think he understood, but still. I'm kind of glad he was the one that told me about it because if I had seen it on the news first I would have definitely called and asked him 100 questions about it. Apparently I've even met the guy, because he played ball with us one weekend. Freaky...

In reality show news, Eric and Jessica were booted from the Big Brother house in a double elimination night on Thursday. I knew not trying to get rid of Dick or Daniele was going to be their downfall, and I think so did they. It's pretty evident that either Dick or Daniele will win and to be honest, I hope it's Daniele. She played the game pretty well and I feel like Dick is just riding on her coattails. Plus, there's no way in hell the jury will allow Dick to win. That's what you get when you're a douchebag to just about every person in the house. Only just over a week to go until the winner is crowned.

Tonight is the MTV Video Music Awards and while I normally wouldn't watch it, I have to see what kind of trainwreck Britney's performance is. Honestly, I'm sure it'll be a great performance: well choreographed and well lip synched and all. I just think she'll need so much more to stage a comeback than this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So...was Dick riding on Daniele's coattails when he removed her off the block instead of himself? Was he riding them when he won the HOH the other night? Also, since when have douchebags been punished when it comes down to reality show verdicts? I could run down a list, which includes the very first reality douche, Richard from Survivor, where they were literally handed one million bucks for said douche behavior. I SO want Evil Dick to win!! His daughter needs to go back to being a waitress, like God intended.