Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday never comes quick enough

I lifted weights with my sister last night, for the first time in forever. Somehow I can walk today, but I have a feeling that's not going to last much longer. I'll never admit this to her, but it kind of felt good. It's nicce to know there might actually be muscles underneath the fat.

My big, sexy friend Toine sent me the link to Mark Cuban's blog. The more recent posts are about Dancing with the Stars, but even the rest of it is interesting, and might even be enjoyed by those with little interest in the Mavericks and sports. Apparently he has a thing for HD also..

I got a wonderful surprise when I got home today. My Entertainment Weekly (which usually comes on Saturday) was sitting on the island in my kitchen and on the cover were Jim and Pam from The Office... holding hands. Of course, I found out last night that Jim and Pam ARE dating on the show (FINALLY) and that Dwight felt the need to euthanize Angela's cat. Of course, that might have worked a little better if he'd made 100% sure the cat was dead before he put it in the freezer. That can put a damper on any relationship! Anyway, there were four covers you could get from EW this week: Dwight and Angela, Jim and Pam, Michael and Jan, and Ryan and Kelly. So, I'm pretty happy I got the one I got!

I was just starting to fall asleep when my phone rang last night. It was my friend Shell, letting me know she'd found yet another man she wants to try and set me up with. I even checked out his myspace page today.. cute.. a little young.. not sure he's my type.. but definitely cute.. and bald :). She is always thinking of people for me which is nice to know. Case in point: she found a pallbearer at the funeral she was at this past week. Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend but it's the thought that counts, don't you agree?! I mean, you kiss enough frogs eventually you'll find your Prince.. isn't that the saying?

Time for me to finish watching Grey's Anatomy (I taped it last night) and take a shower so I can re-do my hair. I got it cut last night and it's not cooperating so I figure I'll take another shower and show it who's boss. Enjoy your weekend!

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