Tuesday, September 04, 2007


As you can imagine, I had a lot of free time on my hands this weekend so I managed to watch a few movies. I'll give you a rundown:

Hitch - It was cute.. not the best romantic comedy I've ever seen but it did keep me awake for two and a half hours... and then I took some Nyquil.

Zodiac - TOO LONG, but still a good movie. I just wanted it to be done about an hour before it was. I really miss the 80's when movies were rarely over an hour and a half. Anything over two hours (except The Departed) really irritates me. I may have even gotten over some of my Chloe Sevigny disdain.. some.. not all. I could definitely relate to how Jake Gyllenhaal allowed himself to get so caught up in the Zodiac killings and who the killer was. I wasn't alive when the murders occurred so I wasn't really up on my knowledge of it, so I did like how in depth the film was but still... too long. Thank God I never tried to see it a the drive in. It would NOT have been pretty.

V for Vendetta - I REALLY liked this one. I'm a fan of Natalie Portman and I found this movie to be political, yet easy to understand. The violence was gory at times but totally central to the plot. And as much as I love Natalie Portman, I really hate her for being able to pull off the shaved head. I have a big head and could never get away with it, hence the jealousy.

Less Than Zero - Yes, the drug fueled flick from the 80's starring Andrew McCarthy, Jami Gertz and Robert Downey, Jr. I had never seen the whole thing and I finally managed to see it this afternoon. I really liked it (did I mention it was an hour and 38 minutes long?). I'm curious to see if that's really what Robert Downey Jr. looked like during his really bad days. Oh yeah, it also starred the King of 80's sleezeballs, James Spader. Again... I love the 80's.

The Lake House - I don't really know what to say about it. I just couldn't get over the fact that it was something that could never happen, although (SPOILERS KIDS) I am happy they got together in the end. Her man was kind of a douche and not well suited for her character. I guess I have seen worse movies. I'm glad I waited for it to come on HBO though, that's for sure.

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