Thursday, September 27, 2007

Oh, the lengths to which we will go

My co-worker ran to the store this afternoon and came back with a bag of M & M's. She then dumped them all into a bowl which I walk past whenever I need a drink or have to go to the bathroom. Considering I drink water all day long, I walk by that bowl A LOT! I got the smart idea to weigh the M & M's on our postage scale to see how many constitute an ounce, which equals 2 points. Here's your answer: 32 M&M's (give or take) is an ounce, therefore 8 M&M's are 1/4 oz. and .5 points. I would say 16 M&M's isn't a terrible 1 point snack, especially if you have PMS and are really jonesing for some chocolate and a hard candy shell. I have an ounce wrapped in a paper towel in my desk in case the mood strikes.

If only you could have seen my boss's face when she walked out of her office to find me weighing M&M's. It was a mix of "what the fuck" and... Ok, well, it was pretty much just "what the fuck." However, as a weight watcher herself, she was very encouraging and happy to hear the findings of my study, even though I had to conduct it on work time.

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