Monday, October 30, 2006

Disturbing Celebrity Couple News

I don't normally put too much stock into celebrity relationships because they last about as long as a decent orgasm (and probably consist of a few also) but I admit, I was slightly surprised by this one. Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillipe have announced their separation. Now, a few weeks ago she looked obviously perturbed at the premiere of Ryan's new film "Flags of our Fathers," but did I really think there was trouble in paradise? Oh hell no! I like them as a couple even though I've always seem him as a bit of a douchebag in the past. Hopefully they'll work things out but it looks like it's been coming for a while and it's just them finally making it public. I guess now I'm curious to see who the rebound relationships will be. She's adorable and seemingly sweet, but she's got baggage!!! Anyone want to place bets on the rebounds? I need time to think about this one. I need to bone up on my hot, single Hollywood Dads (bone UP, not bone you cheeky bastards).

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