Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I just realized this will be my 100th post. Now I feel like I have arrived...

Anyway, I learned something about myself today: I’m addicted to post-it notes. If there were a post-it note rehab, I’d be there. As I look around my desk I realize that I have about a million post-it notes peppering my desk to within an inch of its life, which makes it even more amazing that someone hasn’t alerted me to this problem earlier. I have the phone number for Tivo customer service on one, my grocery shopping list on another. Keep looking and you’ll see a list of books I want to read and some passwords for my work computer (way to keep those hidden from sight, Kara). EVERYTHING is on a post-it. Maybe it wouldn’t be quite as obvious if I got the colored kind. That’s a step in the right direction, right?

Note to self (and others): When you see the commercial for KFC Bowls, they LOOK like a great, hearty meal. Yes, they taste good going down, I will not deny this. However, approximately 15 minutes after ingestion you will think your body has been infiltrated by the monster from Alien (which I saw for the first time just two or so years ago). Therefore, I only recommend eating one if you have a lot of time on your hands post-meal. And a good book to read.

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