Friday, October 27, 2006

What a long day....

Wow, I'm beat and my feet feel like they want to fall off. I had a bond closing this morning that lasted until about 2 pm. The nice thing was that I didn't have to stay late last night like I had anticipated. However, the closing that has been put off for weeks at a time is finally going off on Wednesday. Know what that means? I'll miss my first year of giving out Halloween candy at the new house because I'll still be at work. Good thing is that the attorneys like to send the paralegals home earlier than everyone else because they don't like paying us too much overtime. I usually use my time wisely and get out early on Fridays instead of taking the money, but bitches are broke these days so the Company will have to suffer.

I had the house to myself last night so after wings at the Moosehead for the first time in forever (they were awesome, as were the Moosefries), J. came over and we watched part of Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments countdown. I jumped, I'm not gonna lie. Anyway, he is way into the overtime at work this week so he didn't have to go in until 6 (it's usually 4). So, when his alarm went off at 5, I was pretty much up for the duration. I know no sleep happened in the 25 minutes between the time he left and the time my alarm went off, as I went in early today for said closing. So.. I'm pretty beat and I still have bowling to contend with tonight.

As I told you, my cousin Chrissy and I went to see Employee of the Month on Wednesday night. I really don't know why I don't go to the Crandell more, because to get in and get a large popcorn and soda, it cost me $8.00. $8.00!!!!! It costs more than that to get into the movies in places up near Albany! There are advantages to living in "deliverance country." Anyway, the movie was funny. Pretty entertaining and I didn't even hate Jessica Simpson, which I think is pretty impressive. I'm usually not a fan of Andy Dick but he stole most of the scenes he was in. Dax Shepard (of early Punk'd fame) played the Head Cashier at a BJ's kind of warehouse and Dane Cook is a lowly boxboy. Jessica played this girl named Amy who apparently ONLY likes the Employee of the Month, which Dax has been for the last 17 months. Anyway, I don't know about you, but it's pretty much a no-brainer (looks wise) between Dax Shepard and Dane Cook. Maybe it's the bleach blonde hair and brown eyebrows, but that's so not for me. Give me Dane in all his slacker glory any day. So yeah... nice, mindless entertainment. If you like Dane Cook, I say give it a shot.

The Detroit Tigers need to win one tonight or it's over! I really thought it'd be a better series than this. I mean, the Tigers DOMINATED through the ALCS so I'm a little surprised that they really haven't brought anything to the table. It ain't over till it's over, so give us some good TV, Detroit!

TGIF Mo-Fo's. Have a great weekend and make sure you keep those umbrellas handy for my East Coast buddies!!!

Just wanted to give you a little something something in picture form to get you through the weekend. Have a great one!

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