Monday, October 09, 2006

Nothing says peaceful like jumping out of a plane

I needed a long weekend and I think I’ll continue to need long weekends for the rest of the year. I really didn’t have much to do or anything planned (which is a rarity) so it was a really good weekend. After work on Friday I went to bowling and proceeded to bowl like shit (again). I do hope it’s not becoming a trend. Regardless, I won some money and was getting ready to spend the night watching Jarhead and some of the first season of Rescue Me when J. called. He’d had a rough week and had spent the whole day looking for someone willing to drink with him. Poor guy had to use me as a fallback! So, he came over armed with a 12 pack of Bud Light and a couple of movies. We finally watched “Thank you for Smoking” which was soooo good! I am a staunch non-smoker as both my grandparents died of lung cancer, but Aaron Eckhart almost had me convinced that smoking isn’t so bad! It was a really great movie, probably one I’m going to buy in the very near future. It was hysterically funny and believe it or not, did not condone smoking in any way, shape or form. Matter of fact, you didn’t see one person smoke through the entire movie. I highly recommend it (in case anyone’s wondering).

Saturday was pretty boring. I spent most of it cleaning and had resigned myself to the couch to do some work (I know, I’m CRAZY on the weekends) when J. called again. He’s on a roll this weekend, that’s for damn sure! Anyway, we just went to dinner and watched the Mets game before we both crashed on the couch. Yep, we’re the most interesting couple in the world. It worked out well though because I had to get up early the next morning to go skydiving. Don’t worry! I didn’t go; I was just going for moral support for Tre, Nikki and Sarah. Anyway, the appointment was for noon and since we overestimated the time it would take to get to Duanesburg, we got to the skydiving place around 11:00. After they went inside to register, we were told to come back at 2, as there was a group of 13 ahead of them. So, to waste some time we went to Altamont Orchards, which is kind of a flea market type deal where we all bought fun things we didn’t need, and then we hit up the HISTORIC Duanesburg diner for some lunch. We were back to the place by 1:15 and after a bit of a wait were told that they wouldn’t sky dive until at least 3:30. After that, snarky Sarah came out. I think she scared the skydiving guys and they decided to intersperse Tre, Nikki and Sarah with the other group. In all honestly, they didn’t even go till probably after 4:00, but the skydiving guys made the effort to get the girls up there which was helpful. Everyone that worked there was really cool and they were fun to chat with. The day was gorgeous though! Unfortunately, I had worn a sweater and a jacket, as it was kinda chilly that morning. Luckily Tre had a t-shirt on underneath her long sleeved shirt that she let me wear or I would have spent the entire day dying of heat stroke. I did get quite a bit of sun, which was nice. Anyway, Tre went first and she was so excited when she got done! All the girls agreed it was one hell of a feeling and everyone had a great time. I really do regret not going. Maybe some other time. Paying for my sister’s was enough! Anyway, it was a VERY long day and I was pretty happy to finally get home…. And jump in the car to go to J’s, where I subsequently fell asleep about 30 seconds into the movie, “The Cave.” Obviously I can tell you nothing about it but Eddie Cibrian looks phenomenal in a wet suit.

Today was a bit of a waste, but it was nice to not have to go anywhere. I made a cheesecake from the mix I bought at Altamont Orchards. It was peanut butter cup… it was Yummy!! I also went to Hallmark and bought some candles and tarts. I go through candles and tarts like you wouldn’t believe. I guess I just really like the smell of something other than my house. I mean, who doesn’t? Anyway, not much else to say on this end. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, three day or not! (Although I’m sure those of us with the three day enjoyed it MUCH more).

PS - I'll post skydiving pictures as soon as blogger will let me. I tried, but it was to no avail.

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