Monday, October 23, 2006


I'm still getting things set to blog about the weekend. Ok, post pictures of the weekend while I think of some of the stories I can tell, if there are any worth blogging. Don't get me wrong, the weekend was fun, but I was a bit of a cranky pants myself... tired and not feeling like doing much of anything on the busiest weekend I've had in a while. So (as seems to be the case lately) I caught up on my Netflix (now onto the second season of Rescue Me) and I'm completely addicted to the show. I don't know what I"ll do when I finish the second season and start getting real movies again. But hey, at least I almost know what's going on now. I'm telling you, even if you've never watched this show, put it in your queue NOW (are the netflix people European of some sort because I know no one in the US that has a queue... except me... on Netflix... you get the point).

It's late in the day on this gloomy, gloomy Monday and I'm excited to know that I can go straight home after work. The closing that got postponed last week was supposed to go off tomorrow, which meant a LONG Monday night at work for me. I even bought my overnight bag inside because it had sneakers in it and I figured I'd need it (not because I thought I'd have to sleep at work.. that would be awkward). However, it got pushed back until at least next Wednesday or Thursday so normal working hours are in order. I still have barely spoken to "attorney who made me cry," but I got the information he needs so I should just suck it up and bring it to him. Instead I'm going to hope he leaves before me and then throw it on his chair.. right on top of the whoopie cushion I put there first. (That's not true.. I dont' even own a whoopie cushion - does anyone besides clowns own one these days?)

J. and I went to see The Prestige last night. It's directed by Christopher Nolan of Memento and Batman Begins fame (two movies I really enjoyed) so I was pretty sure I'd like it. I did, but I got a tad confused at the end which is so unlike me. I think my weekend had caught up to me. J. saw the ending coming from a mile away but I was still floored by it. So, really good movie. I recommend it. Chrissy and I plan on seeing Employee of the Month on Wednesday night. She and I really like Dane Cook and will try to forget that Jessica Simpson is in the movie to check it out. I hadn't heard much from reviewers but I had some friends who saw it and said it was absolutely hysterical so I'll keep you posted on that one.

Time to fake some work... more to come later!

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