Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's been a very busy day at work

So I haven't really had time to peruse the internet for worthless knowledge like usual. For that, I apologize. However, us girls in the office went to the mall at lunch to get some stuff necessary to put together Lacey's Halloween costume. I think she's some sort of slutty, punk zombie. I'm really not quite sure. We went to Hot Topic, a store I can say I've only been in with her, and I found some pins near the check out counter. I've been saying how I need some pins and/or patches to put on my brownie sash cause (as you've seen in the picture on an earlier post) it looks a little bare. This is what my pins say:

Like they pay me enough to care (that should go over well when i wear it to work on Tuesday)
Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards
A rainbow with fluffy clouds (seemed very Brownie-like to me)
Fear of Vegetables - Lachonophobia
You Say I'm a Bitch Like It's a Bad Thing

I think they'll be a good start. Maybe I'll try to find some patches or something this weekend at Wal-Mart. Oh god, did I just say I'd go to Wal-Mart? On the weekend? I'd go to Target but I'll walk out with 800 things I don't need so maybe I should sift through the white trash, swallow my pride, and hit up Wally World on Saturday. Or maybe not. Guess you'll have to wait and see!

The time has come, the walrus said and in this case he said it to Jerry Springer. He FINALLY got booted from Dancing with the Stars. I didn't see the show and didn't really need to, as it was his time and has been his time for quite some time. Monique Coleman was also in the bottom two and I think it's gonna be her turn next week. She's the only girl left and the least recognizable of all the contestants. It's finally a competition! I'm going to have to start watching again. Damned America's Next Top Model has dragged me away from my beloved Dancing with the Stars!! I know who got booted and I'm disappointed, but I haven't watched the episode so I'm not going to talk about it until/unless I feel her departure wasn't deserved.

I started watching Top Chef last night, mainly because I'm so used to turning on Bravo on Wednesdays at 10. It wasn't bad. The bitchery and backstabbing was pretty intense and it's only the second episode! My problem with the show is that i'm not into food. Ok, I'm not into good food and/or culinary masterpieces so the food doesn't do anything for me. However, it is kind of interesting to see what they can do, coming from such different backgrounds. I think I'll give it another shot if only because I want to see Marisa get booted out on her so called "sexy" ass! I was hoping someone would stab her with her own knife set but alas, no one dared.

My aforementioned friend Lacey put in her two weeks notice yesterday. As if I wasn't miserable enough here as it is, she's leaving me. I'm not bitter but I'm getting a little concerned that there was hardly any turnover before I got here, now all of a sudden three people have left in six months. If it keeps going this way I'm going to get a complex. Maybe that's the world's way of telling me this is NOT the place for me! ha ha

Finally, here's one for all the Earl fans. Have a great night! I'm planning on some Moosehead wings and a couple beers because it looks like staying late isn't going to happen. Now that is what I call a good end to the day. Have a good one!

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