Thursday, October 19, 2006

Apparently it's good to be bad

The world has come to an end and the evil villain has once again, won out. Jeffrey Sebelia (or as the PRGay Boys like to call him - Angry Little Peanut) has won Project Runway. Will wonders never cease? All the scandal and drama came to a head on last night’s show where Tim Gunn exonerated Jeffrey of (most) wrongdoing and he was allowed to compete at Bryant Park. Just a few things I’d like to point out:

1. Tim Gunn made me teary. When he stood there like a proud papa, voice cracks and all, at their last “gather ‘round,” I wanted to cry. I adore him and that is why he, and not Jeffrey, is pictured on this blog. Long Live Tim Gunn!
2. Isn’t it interesting that Jeffrey “just happened” to have another pair of leather pants with him? I don’t recall seeing any alterations done on those bad boys either.
3. Also, wasn’t it funny that he made a denim skirt “just in case” he couldn’t use the leather shorts? I mean, how could he have known they’d make him take those shorts out of the show? Obviously something was fishy with them and he was well aware of it.

I don’t consider myself a fashionista, but I think I have a slight sense of style. I don’t wear brown shoes with black pants (it’s a necessity in my Halloween costume, but that doesn’t really count) and I shun leggings. However, I thought pretty much everything in Uli’s collection could be worn by a normal woman, and they could feel beautiful in it. I admit, the clothes looked different walking down the runway than in pictures. I really liked Jeffrey’s collection in pictures, but not so much on the runway. Did he hire models based on the fact that they couldn’t walk? Cause some of those girls were heinous!!! But anyway, I adore Michael but his collection was just kinda…. whorish. As Heidi said - he needs some time to mature and he WILL have a place in fashion. Hell, now that he’s with Brandi he can dress her to the nines wherever she goes! I’m sure that will work out for him. Laura’s collection was beautiful and very Laura. However, it didn’t surprise you. There was no one piece where you were like “wow, I had no idea she had that in her,” and I think that’s what the judges were looking for. It was definitely a tough decision between Uli and Jeffrey. As much as he’s angered me all season, he is talented. Only thing is, I wish they had given it to Uli only because Jeffrey already has a career and is pretty much established. I would think this show would be to help those who need it. Not for those who have already started doing their thing. I’m curious to see what Jeffrey can do in the future and I do admit, I loved the dress he put on his model, Marilinda. It was pretty interesting and looked gorgeous on her. However, he might want to stick to the rock and roll jackets and pants and such, cause a few of those girls with empire waists were looking a little (to quote Tim Gunn regarding Allison’s plus size model) “zaftig.” Regardless, it was a great season and congratulations to Jeffrey. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Angela!

Now what am I to do with my Wednesday at 10 time slot? Perhaps I’ll give it to Top Chef. As we all know, I’m far from culinary… or domestic… Maybe I’ll learn something. I do have to give it a shot though, because I made my blogging buddy Rob get into Project Runway (he hated Jeffrey so he probably is none too happy with me right now) and it’s his turn to return the favor with Top Chef. If I know Bravo (and I’m pretty sure I do) the first episode will be on all weekend so I’ll try to catch it.

As we’ve discussed quite frequently (ok, I’ve written, you’ve read.. whatever) I loathe my job. Well, today that was solidified when one of the attorneys (and not the heinous bitch everyone thought it would be) made me cry. Granted, I’m a relatively emotional person so crying is something I do. But I do NOT do it at work! So, I was asked to get some information but in doing so, realized it couldn’t be done the way this attorney wanted it to. I told him that and everything seemed fine. So, I got the information and was asked how I wanted it transmitted. Assuming it would be a plethora of info, I thought it’d be best to ask his advice. Wrong idea. He basically berated me for getting the info that way (when that was the only way to get said information) and wasn’t listening to a word I said. I don’t claim to be good at my job right now, but I am pretty good at taking orders and doing what people tell me, which is what I thought I did. So, he leaves and I go to bring a file into another room and once the other paralegal starts talking to me, it’s over. I’m crying like a 6 year old that skinned her knee falling off her bike. It’s that crazy oh-god-I’m-going-to-hyperventilate crying too. I know what that’s like because I did it in 6th grade when I was given lunch detention in Technology Class. Apparently, hyperventilation is a “get out of lunch detention” card. Regardless, I did not cry in front of said attorney, but I still feel like an ass and in all honesty, I really want to punch him because he made me feel like an ass and incompetent when I’m neither. So, I decided to stop working (since I can’t concentrate anyway and really have nothing to do) and write this blog to make myself feel better.

Hmmm… not much left to go with here. I’ve detailed my insanely embarrassing day and already touched upon America’s Next Top Model and Dancing with the Stars so what’s left? Oh yeah… BASEBALL! Tonight is the deciding game in the NLCS and the World Series starts on Saturday. The Mets tied it all up last night and will hopefully win it tonight. What can I say? I’m still bitter about 1969 but I like the Mets. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind a little more staring at Albert Pujols and Eckstein (and I’m not normally a fan of the blondes) and it would certainly make it easier for me to choose who to root for, but I’m hoping the Mets pull this one out tonight. Regardless, I’m hoping for a good series because if I recall correctly, the last few have been slightly anticlimactic. So, what the hell - Let’s Go Mets!

I’m going to crawl under my desk in the fetal position and pray this day ends real soon so have a great one and I’ll catch ya on the flip side tomorrow. Payday Friday! Life is good.

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