Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Another way to make work go by

If you're part of my circle of friends, you may have gotten a movie quiz a few weeks back that stumped most people. I finished, but I admit I had some help from my friend Jeromy and his friends. Anyway, check this one out. I think it's probably harder than the one I sent out. A few tips: The one you think should be Super Size Me, is not. In fact, it's a movie I've never heard of. Some of the movies are older so y0u're best to think from the 70's on. Look really hard and think. Sometimes the "props" really do mean something, and sometimes they don't. Let me know how you do!

I know I didn' t like Fergie's "London Bridge" song when it first came out, but it grew on me. However, I can't say the same for "Fergalicious." I am just flat out refusing to like it. That'd be like me say I'm "nytrolicious." WHAT IS THAT? Seriously, you can't just make up a word and be it. Didn't they teach her that on Kids Incorporated or was it all illicit drugs and orgies with Martika? Oh wait.. it probably was.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I like the word 'Nytrolicious'. You may have something there... ;-)