Friday, October 20, 2006

Frustration, thy name is Blogger

I've been trying to post all day but alas, bad things have happened. I hope it's all fixed and you all can see my posts for the day because I was kind of proud of my skills in the first one. Regardless, I wanted to point out two things I learned today that were probably of interest to no one but me. If not, who cares? It's my damn blog and it's my soapbox!

So, today is the day we celebrate the birth of John Krasinski, who is not only my favorite Polack, but also Jim Halpert on The Office. I didn't get to watch last night's episode yet but I can only imagine that he was looking quite normal guy handsome as always. Anyway, apparently he was born in 1979, which makes him three years younger than me. Guess it's a good thing I'm in my "younger man" phase. Happy Birthday John! Party like it's 1979 my man.

In other great news, there is going to be a movie version of Fraggle Rock. Just last night J. and I were discussing Animalympics and other such great 80's things done by HBO, but little did I know that this was on the horizon!! AND Ahmet Zappa is involved? Even after the hellish week I"ve had, this could make it all go away... Until Monday.

Tonight is my friend Bob's surprise 34th birthday party. Yep, I said 34. With everyone turning 30 this year Bob got a little bitter that everyone was getting parties thrown for them. He has a new girlfriend who fell for it, therefore is throwing him a surprise party, costumes optional. I think he'll be pretty shocked since who gets a surprise 34th birthday party? I will be busting out the Brownie outfit and hopefully pictures will be up on Sunday or Monday. Saturday is the Softball Team Party at Jackson's and I'm sure some of those picture will not be fit for the blog which can only mean a good time is to be had by all.

Enjoy your weekend kids!

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