Tuesday, December 02, 2008

All of them will work, but I'm partial to #23.. it's not an every day thing you know, especially in the winter. Who wants to waste a good shave!?

Is Britney's comeback ever going to involve ACTUAL singing and not lip syncing? I'm a little ashamed to say I watched part of her documentary on MTV... and kinda felt bad that I call her batshit crazy all the time. Kinda..

Members of the State are all over the place, but I want to see them back together again! Read on to find out what would be a REALLY great present for me...

I've been really busy at work lately, which has been nice. Sure does make the day go by. However, some people aren't quite ready to trust me. That's cool - stay later to do work I could have done for you. No skin off my nose, right?

I'm still in shock that it's December.

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