Monday, July 10, 2006

Sometimes there are days...

you know you should have just stayed in bed. As I was drying off after my shower this morning I felt an itch on my foot. When I looked down, I found a mouse running over it. That is never a good way to start the day. I bolted from the bathroom (I wish I always ran that fast), hurling obscenities to find my sister and father laughing their ass off at me. Then I’m pretty sure my Dad beat it to death. I didn’t stick around to find out.

Someone has to explain to me why I’m not currently on The World Series of Pop Culture on Vh1. Seriously. Ok, it may be because I would have trouble finding two other people to compete with me. I’m doing pretty well on my own though.

Saturday at Camden Yards is Brian Roberts bobblehead doll day. Considering I’m doing everything I can to get to Eryn’s bonfire/birthday party, I’m thinking she should go on Ebay to get me one. I don’t see that happening, but it sounds like a good idea to me. I’m pretty sure someone will decide to sell theirs and I hope to snap one up. I doubt I’ll get down to get the Brian Roberts growth poster (I think I’m a tad too old for it) so I’ll take what I can get. Speaking of Orioles, Ed Rogers (he of the peekaboo baseball) was sent down today. What a way to start off the All Star Break by making room for someone who can hopefully.. well.. find the ball. Unfortunately, Miggy didn’t really make a dent in the Home Run Derby so let’s take a moment instead to dwell on his fantastic efforts in 2004.

OK, time’s up. Ryan Howard beat David Wright in the final round. I think Wright might have shot his load a little early. I was able to watch his first round and he did kill it. Sorry David – it’s all about longevity and in this case, in more ways than one. Hopefully the AL can pull it out tomorrow night for home field advantage.

My bedspread came in. I’m not happy. I wonder if this is one of those times where you should just go with your gut feeling. It’s not that I don’t like it, but it’s a tad darker than it looked online. I plan to wait until the room is painted to decide if it’s good or not so I’ll keep you posted. Speaking of which, I’m thinking of banging out of work one day this week (more than likely Thursday) to get some painting done so again, I do not disappoint Eryn. The things I do for that girl.. hee hee. Oh well, I still have the lamp.

It’s a good thing Lynn’s wedding was this past weekend because I think my legs had a target on them when this one kid was up. It didn’t matter where I played, he nailed it at me, and hard. If only I could have fielded the ball. At all. Bad hops. Lots of bad hops and lots of bad calls, which actually lost us the game. We got a guy out on third and he went back to the bench but the umpire never called him out so instead of getting the third out of the inning, he went back to the bag and the next guy hit a grand slam. We lost by 1. Complete bullshit but what are you gonna do? It’s a game.

2 more days till Project Runway. I can’t wait. I initially got hooked on the show when I caught the tail end (ok, 4 or 5 hours) of the first season on Bravo and there was a marathon on yesterday. Imagine the motivation it took for me to leave the house and play my ball game!

Tomorrow is the American Idol concert. As embarrassing as it may be, I’m kind of excited about it. Ok I won’t lie, I’m pretty excited about the prospect of Chris Daughtry in leather pants and I’m almost glad that diva/bulimic Katharine McPhee won’t be there. I wasn’t a big fan of her anyway. Granted, I think it’s shitty that she thinks it’s ok to not come to the first three weeks of the show (bronchitis my ass) but I’m sure it’ll still be entertaining.

Still beat and unfortunately, not many interesting things have happened the past two days so I’m afraid you all have to suffer. Hopefully more entertainment to come in the near future.


Anonymous said...

No lie-- I did not read your blog until after I'd posted on mine today. And we both kvetched about that damn "World Series of Pop Culture" on VH1. Sour grapes, y'know.
I am also looking forward to the new Project Runway season. However, part o' me feels that there's no way it will measure up to season 2. And that is solely due to the SANTINO FACTOR. Yes, I belong to the Pro-Santino factions. Am thinking he will make a cameo appearance on the upcoming season...I hope he will..

Rob said...

Kara -

A random question for you: How did you become an O's fan all the while living in Evil Empire territory?
