Sunday, July 16, 2006

Oh, the disappointment

No pictures. I was too busy drinking, talking and playing games of beer pong to take any. Ok, that’s a lie. I do have a great picture of Amy passed out on the couch just prior to her hour and a half puking tirade but I thought it’d be best to keep that one to myself. Anyway, had a great time, good breakfast and a hellish drive home. Had to stop and take a slight nap so I could finish up the drive. I felt pretty good when I got up that morning but the longer the day went on, the more tired I got. A cat nap and some Red Bull and I felt like a new person. Still pretty exhausted though and can’t wait to go to bed. I might even have to miss Entourage tonight and we all know how much I hate skipping my weekly dose of Jeremy Piven.

I’ve spent the last twenty minutes being distracted by the movie XXX (no, not porn – just Vin Diesel) so that’s probably a pretty good indication that I should just go the hell to bed. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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