Thursday, July 13, 2006

Note to self: Hire painters next time

I’m really not that domestic. I’ve realized that now. Granted, I was pretty sure of it before this day, but now I’m positive. I’m an awful painter. Awful. However, I seem to be a pretty good taper and I attempted to do a lot of the edging sections. Thank god you do more than one coat, right? Anyway, I would like to thank my friend Sarah and my cousin Chrissy for all their help today. I would have gotten little done without them so “thanks!” The spare room looks great and my bedroom has really come together. We still need to do the woodwork in both rooms but now it’s actually beginning to look like a house. I tackled the woodwork in the bathroom but (see above) I’m not a good painter so the woodwork around the window looks like a train wreck. The rest of the room didn’t come out so bad but it’s really hard to cover up that pepto-bismol colored primer with white.

God knows I hate to be boring but the painting has pretty much consumed my day. I’m not even up on my regular entertainment news which is always disappointing for me. Tomorrow is another day and I’m sure I’ll catch up. Hopefully the day will go by quickly tomorrow since I was out today. I know, I’m such a rebel!

Right now I’m catching what I believe is the first season of Grey’s Anatomy and I’m just not used to having it on Thursday nights. I mean, I planned my Sunday nights around that show and Thursday is the one night where I might actually have a life. Tivo, where are you? Come back to me! Just biding time until the World Series of Pop Culture comes on again. I swear, it’s so addicting because I’m curious to know how I could have done had I remembered when the auditions were. I figure between me, C. Howe and Sandra we could have put a good dent into the competition. I can’t come up with a good team name as of yet though.

Still not efficient enough to post links. I really tried. I had a fellow blogger (thank you Rob) send me step by step instructions yet I still couldn’t do it. I followed them to a “T” but it didn’t work. Perhaps I’m not meant to help you find cool sites. You’re going to have to do it on your own (and when you do, make sure you tell me about it!) Well, it’s about that time and my life was very uninteresting today so I’m going to spare you from that. TGIF!

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