Thursday, July 06, 2006

The longest day ever

I considered walking in front of a bus so I'd have to go to the hospital and not back to work, but Lynn might kill me if I missed her wedding. Instead, I figured I’d better try to post sometime today considering I have a ball game tonight and have been sleeping pretty shitty. I have a feeling I won’t sleep much this weekend so I might as well catch up on it while I can.

First off, The Devil Wears Prada: Great movie. I really liked it and I never once wondered when it was going to be over, which is pretty much key for me. Now, I haven’t read the book in quite a while but from what I can recall there were TONS of changes made, and that bothers me. Also, the book (as usual) is better than the movie. There was more backstory in the book and I think it was necessary. Plus, there were such strange things they changed. I mean, does it really matter what the boyfriend’s name was? No, so why change it? Regardless of my nitpicking, I really enjoyed the movie. Meryl Streep was absolutely amazing and I’m almost convinced that Adrian Grenier has a soul. It was nice to see Daniel Sunjata from Rescue Me (even if he was fully clothed) but I wish his part had been more central to the character, like it was in the book. That man deserves way more screen time, even if it’s just to look at his well chiseled face… yeah.. his face.

Not much to say about the O’s. Dropped a game 4-2 last night and Markakis is taking a break thanks to some pain in his calf. He’ll have an MRI today to rule anything out but it looks like it could be a minor strain. The All Star break couldn’t come any sooner! 4 more hours left to vote for Ramon, who is more than worthy of representing at the All-Star Break, sore knee and all. However, it’s more than likely that the spot will go to A.J. Pierzynski. I don’t know if I spelled that right although I do think they’ll take away my “Polack” card if I didn’t. Anyway, Adam Loewen is doing well in AAA and hopefully will be able to come up soon, along with Hayden Penn who has hopefully recovered from his nasty appendicitis attack. It can’t get any worse, am I right?

Last night I caught “So You Think You Can Dance.” I know, after last week’s dance recital rant you would think I’d be watching it religiously. However, it debuted literally the day after American Idol and I just couldn’t commit to something like I had with Idol. Plus, I had already had my heart broken thanks to the early exit of Chris Daughtry and I just couldn’t do that to myself again. Well, I admit I’m sorry I missed it. It was pretty entertaining and for the most part, I agreed with the judges. It’s pretty interesting to watch these people from all different genres try to learn something new and look professional doing it, even when they don’t have a clue. I don’t have a favorite as of yet because I haven’t seen a full show yet (and won’t because I have a ball game tonight and my Tivo won’t be hooked up until we move into the house) but I’ll try to update you more on that when I’m able to commit to it.

Emmy nominations: I’m disappointed in that Jason Lee didn’t get nominated for “My Name is Earl.” Kevin James?! Come on Academy!! However, I will give the Academy props because who would have ever thought Jaime Pressly would get nominated for anything more than Cow Pie Queen at the local fair? (that was a compliment… kinda) Seriously though, she cracks me up on Earl and I would love to see her win. I would also really love for Jeremy Piven to win cause we all know I have a strange adoration for him going back to PCU and beyond. I always have a soft spot in my heart for the douchebags and Ari Gold is their King. I never got into Arrested Development so I can’t root for any of those people, especially since I think they took nominations away from some more deserving people on The Office (again, showing a little love for the Poles, John Krasinski). It was nice NOT to see domination by the Sopranos (perhaps due to such an awful season) and Desperate Housewives and to give some last minute chances to Six Feet Under, which is still one of the greatest shows ever made, in my humble opinion. And finally, Grey’s Anatomy. That’s my new Six Feet Under and I only hope Tivo gets hooked up before the new season starts on its new night and that it survives. Guess we’ll have to wait until August 27th for the winners and the fashions.

My email quotes at this moment in time are from the movie “Beautiful Girls.” If you haven’t seen it, please see it just for Rosie O’Donnell’s rant on what men think of beauty. Priceless. It’s also one of the first times you see Natalie Portman and it really bothers me that this girl never went through an awkward stage. She’s downright beautiful even as a pre-teen. This is one of those movies I can watch a million times and though I own it on DVD, I’ll still stay up late to watch it if it’s on HBO. Tons of great quotes and this is today’s:

Andera: You know there are fours words I need to hear before I go to sleep. Four little words. "Good night sweet girl." That's all it takes. I'm easy, I know, but a guy who can muster up those four words is a guy I want to stay with.


Finally, I have a little something to get off my chest. Every day I drive by this adorable old man walking his dog. It makes me smile every single morning because you can just tell how much he cares about this dog just by the smile he has on his face walking it, no matter what the weather. That’s all great, but what bothers me is that he walks the dog and has the dog on the side where the cars are. I mean, am I wrong in saying that the man should be the one by the cars in case (god forbid) anything happened? Would you put your kid in that position? I think not. It’s an incredibly busy road and it’s crazy during the morning and afternoon commute. I have been thinking about this for days and it’s just bothered me. That’s what you get for clicking on my soapbox! Have a great rest of the day.


Rob said...

Another wonderful post, Kara. I'm happy to hear you're a Natalie Portman fan. I am too, although I admit I haven't seen her in anything other than the new Star Wars movies. However, she is quite talented and definitely appears to be a good person too.

I also thank you for your nice comment on my blog earlier.

Enjoy your evening!


Anonymous said...

I agree on the dog thing...I've been driving past them for 3 years--minus the Placid time- and I always wondered why the dog was next to the road and not the old man.....(SD)