Monday, June 12, 2006

Rainy Days and Mondays (ok, one of the above)

Today was as pretty close to the hellish day I thought it was going to be, but I got some extra time in so hopefully I'll be able to use it and get out early some day this week. Tomorrow is the big closing so I'm sure at some point there'll be house pictures to put up on the blog. Well, maybe the after pictures! lol So, if anyone is great at scraping paint or painting, feel free to stop by. We pay in beer and pizza :)

We lost our first (and hopefully only) ball game tonight. I think it's probably because I wasn't in the game because once me and Kyle took over the right half of the field I believe they were held scoreless. I mean, who knows? I'm just telling you how things went down, that's all.

O's won 6-4 against the Blue Jays tonight. Another homer by Ramon Hernandez and a winning outing by Kris Benson. I would say more on that but I'm watching the Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Fresh Meat and I have to voice my utter disdain for Wes. The mohawk doesn't make you look any meaner, it just makes you look like a dork who's trying too hard and the last thing you should do is blame your teammate cause you're an asshole and everyone hates you. He can not get kicked off quick enough for me. But, I do love me some Coral. Always have, always will cause I know if I were on the Real World (which I should have been in my day) I would have been the white version. I've got the boobs and the attitude.

What can I say? it's been a long day and I'm beat to shit so I'm gonna get a move on. More at another time.

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