Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I have a case of the Mondays and it's Tuesday

So yeah. Today was what we call “not a good day.” Work blew. I felt like an idiot all day, but we won’t even go into that cause it’s boring as all hell and I have to go back there tomorrow.

To make matters worse (or better, not quite sure yet) I took a brief journey looking for a car. The repairs necessary on my car are worth more than the actual car, so I think it’s time. I find it very interesting that this happened pretty much days after I paid the car off. I think it’s part of the car’s internal computer to know when it’s paid off so they can shit the bed and force us to never NOT have a car payment.

Today is my friend Chris’s 30th birthday and his mom put a picture of him and his brother in the paper. My sister and I told my mom she better not do that to us so I’m pretty sure she’s taking out a full page ad with the chicken-pox, naked in the bathtub picture out of spite. Chris is coming into town this weekend and I’m almost positive I’m going to need to go to rehab once this weekend is over but I can’t wait to see him and celebrate even though he probably won’t bring his gay ass home for Nytropalooza no matter how much we beg but I love him anyway. Happy Birthday Christopher Thomas!!!!

Yes, today was a bad day, but only one thing perked it up, and that was the free gift I’m going to get at Lancome tomorrow. So, I drove to the mall to get foundation cause I’m scraping the bottom of the bottle and the lady at the counter says to me “can you wait another day?” I thought she was kidding because HELLO, what lady at the makeup counter doesn’t want a sale? I looked at her a little strange and then she told me about the fabulous free gift I could get if I waited just one more day AND she gave me a cute little vial of my foundation so I don’t have to go to work all splotchy tomorrow. So, I did waste gas getting to the mall, but tomorrow I will waste gas again AND get a free gift so that averages out, am I right? Ok, it will average out if I can shout the stain out that I got at lunch today when Taco Bell squirted out of my crunchy taco and onto my shirt. Note to self: When you know you shouldn’t have gotten out of bed that morning and you had already ruined your first day of “I’m gonna eat right and go back to the gym” the last thing you should do is eat Taco Bell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am hunting for a new car too. I think I will be stoked when I actually have the new wheels in my possession but the whole acquisition process blows mightily. I know next to nothing about cars, for one. And my choice of dealers is pretty much limited to the ilk that use the phrase "BAD credit? NO credit? NO PROBLEM!" in their ads. Anyways, in summation, it blows, blows, BLOWS! Why can't the cosmos cash in my good karma chips and make me the winner of some new car giveaway?? Anyways, lemme know how YOUR hunt goes, baby...