Monday, October 29, 2007

Whirlwind weekend

Where do I begin? How about at the beginning!?

FRIDAY - I went to bowling and had ONE good game... It's better than the NO good games I've been having lately, so I'll take it. After that, I headed over to the Super Wal-Mart to do some shopping. While I was there, J called and asked if I would pick him up from the party he went to. I had told him earlier I would, so I told him to just call me when he was ready. That turned out to be around 11:15 which gave me plenty of time to watch Private Practice and My Name is Earl. Anyway, I picked him up around midnight and he was very thankful, as it was raining like a son of a bitch and his only other option was to walk two miles to his brother's house in the pouring rain. And yes... he bought me breakfast. God, I love breakfast!

SATURDAY - after I left J's I headed to Hallmark to get a card for the wedding and for my friend Sue's birthday. I also ended up getting Christmas cards. I really shouldn't be allowed to be in Hallmark for any amount of time, although I'm upset that they seem to have gotten rid of their "Fresh Ink" line of cards, which are always what I gravitate towards. I then headed to CVS to pick up my prescription but also found a birthday card for J. As I'm standing in line to pay for the card, I see my friend Cybil, who I haven't seen or talked to in what has to be 10 years. As always, she looked drop dead gorgeous after busting out three children and I just looked.. well.. busted. I had yet to shower, it was still raining and I had been putting a hood on and off my head all morning. So, it was nice to chat with her, but it made me realize how inevitable it is that when you look your worst, you'll see someone you wished you looked your best in front of. Anyway, I had to get ready and head to my friend's wedding. I'll be honest.. I didn't expect it to be a rip roaring good time. The crowd skewed older and my sister was supposed to have a game so she wasn't going to be able to make it. Well, her game got rained out and we had a great time! I even ate salad. Yep.. a Caesar salad, but a salad just the same. Ok.. I stopped eating it once all the croutons, cheese and dressing was gone, but at least I made an effort (I'll post pictures to prove it once my mom sends them to me). We got home and into bed just around 11, which was perfect. I snuggled in under my new flannel sheets (Merry Early Christmas to me) and was so comfy I didn't want to get out of bed on Sunday. Speaking of which....

SUNDAY - Tre and I got up and hit the gym. We had to do our lifting, but that was all, as Tre wanted to go to the mall. She later decided she wanted to mow the lawn instead. Yeah.. I dont' get her. Anyway, while she attempted (in vain) to start the lawn mower, I settled in to watch America's Next Top Model and whatever was left in the DVR. After that, I made a tray of macaroni and cheese for my friend Sue's birthday. Her birthday was Saturday but I'm heading to her house tonight to chat and test out her new hot tub, so I thought for once, I would bring dinner. Plus, she's been talking about wanting to try my mac and cheese ever since I told her I could make it. I hope it turns out OK. I didn't cook it yet.. just made it yesterday and will cook it when I get to her house.. After that, I did my laundry, watched Stomp the Yard with Tre (decent flick) and got all my shit together, as J had said something about coming down. Well, when he called he asked if I could come up there, as he was pretty beat, so I packed everything up and hightailed it to his place. I got this really weird feeling about halfway there, like, I instantly fell into a bad mood. Then a black cat ran across the road (I swear.. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried). Weird.. but whatever. So, when I get to his house I called to have him open the doors for me, as my hands were full of mac and cheese. So, he did and as we were sitting on the couch he asked me what i was doing Wednesday night. Well, it's the only Wednesday that I don't have soccer, so I said probably nothing. He then asked if we could do his birthday dinner on Wednesday, as he found out his sister wanted to cook him dinner for his birthday on Thursday. I'll be honest... this didn't really upset me at first. It was inconvenient, but it's his sister and I understand. However, instead I started to cry. No reason why... just started to tear up. He's looking at me like I'm crazy and I'm trying to explain to him that I'm so not upset about the dinner thing, I was just in a mood! I felt like an idiot though. After I calmed down I did tell him that I'd really prefer not to change the dinner. I had cancelled an appointment to do it that night, and we both have the next day off so I thought it would be more convenient for both of us. Anyway, he agreed with me and said he would talk to his sister today. She knew we had plans already so it's probably not a big deal, I just feel like a moron for crying for no reason. I tried to explain that sometimes girls just need a good cry, but I dont' think he got it. Anyway, after that he was staring out the window and said "Can I tell you something?" I said "yes" and he mentioned that he had been seeing shadows on the front porch. Coincidentally, I had stopped in my tracks earlier that night because I thought I saw something on the front porch. So, we both freaked a little since the other one also saw something. It was really weird. We then watched "The Reaping." Well, I watched it while he slept. I give him credit for trying to stay awake, but 15 minutes in, he was a goner. It was... interesting. I'm not sure if I liked it or not. Anyway, we went to bed right after it ended and of course, I couldn't sleep. He passed out in seconds and all I could do was listen to the millions of noises coming from the house. I kept jumping and looking behind me and he finally woke up and told me that I needed to stop. The door was locked, everything was fine. I did eventually fall asleep, but I cant' say I was thrilled to have him leave me there alone at 3 in the morning to go to work. I made him shut the bedroom door when he left. I don't know why but I don't really like sleeping with the door open. I guess if someone has to open the door to get to me, I feel like I have a fighting chance!

So, that was my weekend. Like I said, hopefully I'll have some pictures to post in the near future!

On to sports.... It happened. The Red Sox swept the Colorado Rockies to win their second World Series in two years. Hey, I'm not happy but you can't knock the Sox! I mean, they certainly outplayed everyone and deserved to win. In other baseball news, it looks like not only will the Yankees be announcing their new manager this week (the rumor mill says it's Girardi), but A-Rod has opted out of the richest contract in baseball to be a free agent. (NOTE TO A-ROD: Baltimore isn't called Charm City for nothing ;) Give us a shot!)

That's all for now... try to get through your Monday and I'll try to find some more stuff for you to discuss amongst yourselves.

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