Monday, October 15, 2007

The start to a wonderful day?

I just made my breakfast (egg and cheese on a 100 calorie english muffin) and my egg was twins! I had noticed that it was much bigger than the other eggs since I bought the dozen, but today it proved to get me my money's worth.

Let's start with the weekend rundown: I went to bowling Friday night and amidst the insane suckage, I got a new bowling ball. I wasn't technically supposed to get it this early, but it happened that way and there was nothing I could do about it. I them met some friends out for drinks at Melino's. I called it a night earlier than most (I think) as I had the yard sale to contend with on Saturday morning. However, I had a good time.. played some darts, shot the shit and hopefully Amy will send me any of the pictures I happen to be in! Against my better judgment I stopped at McDonald's on the way home to get a large fry.. only because I'm obsessed with the Monopoly game and am DETERMINED to win something this year. When I say obsessed.. I mean it..

Saturday was the yard sale. I was up at 7 to shower and put everything out. I'm not normally the one that does the heavy lifting but when Tre got back from the gym she told me she pulled something in her back and it was pretty painful, so I had to pick up the slack. Not my idea of fun, but what can you do!? I had to run into the house at one point as one of my old (and most annoying) clients showed up. He does NOT need to know where I live! After that I got my massage that I have been waiting months for. An hour has never gone by so quickly! It felt really nice but I was all greased up so I had no intentions of going to the gym like I'd initially thought. However, when I drove by there was NO ONE there so I figured it was a sign that I should go. There was one other guy there and we happened to get in each other's way the whole time. It was pretty funny in all honesty.. I got home to help clean stuff up and leave some random things on the lawn for free. Only one piece of shit bike is left so that went pretty well! I then showered and headed to J's to help him buy a suit.

I don't even know what to say about that situation. It seems like everyone but him sees that we're together and it's starting to get really draining on me and my psyche. I'm trying to be good and be "friends" but we do things friends don't do and that's just too much. Anyway, we hit up the Mens Wearhouse in Colonie and the minute we get in there this guy comes up to help us out. He was really nice and helpful. He measured J and we all went over to look at the suits in his size. I started picking out suits, as J didn't want to make any decisions; everything was completely up to me. It was like having my own little Ken Doll! So, I pick out a few suits and then realize they're Calvin Klein and Liz Claiborne. Knowing J won't have a clue who either of those people are, I looked at the prices: $400 and $300. I subtly asked our guy to show me some suits from the lower end of the spectrum, which he did. I picked out a nice charcoal grey suit (I figured he'd get some more use out of it if were gray or black) and J wen tto try it on while me and Neil (my new suit friend) looked at shoes. He was constantly asking me questions about whether or not I thought I would be able to get J to dress up more and I replied "oh honey, I wish." So, we picked out a nice pair of simple black shoes and after the seamstress came out to do some measurements, we headed to another table where they had put together shirt and tie combinations. I had it narrowed down between a combo with a white shirt and burgundy striped tie (I really liked this one and I thought it was more of a purple than a burgundy, but the boys disagreed) and a light blue shirt with a matching tie. The light blue shirt was kind of patterned so I asked if they had a plain shirt and that's what we went with. J has really nice eyes so I thought it would be perfect. As we're looking at the shirts, Neil asks "well, what color is your dress?" Oh Neil... let the awkwardness ensue! My reply "it doesn't really matter as I'm not going to the wedding." You could have heard a pin drop. I almost felt bad for the guys that were standing there. I mean.. why wouldn't Neil assume I was J's girlfriend!? I had free rein over whatever was going on in that store and we never said otherwise. And oh yeah... J said he wasn't sure if he got a date to the wedding (cause men don't realize if it only says your name on the invite, you're flying solo) and he says "don't make any plans for Saturday." Um... yeah.. that's so not going to happen for reasons more than I have my softball team party that night... Anyway, we get everything situated and after J drops over $400, it's time to go. It's still early so I ask him where we're going and he motions across the street... to the CHEESECAKE FACTORY. I think my exact words were "are you fucking kidding me?" (for those of you that aren't caught up: J had a bad cheesecake factory experience once and vowed to never EVER go again, no matter how hard I begged... and I did). He was like "what!? You went out of your way to help me out and I wanted to go out of my way to do something nice for you." Yes.. it sounds great but it's really the principle of the thing that he just doesn't get. I tried to explain that, but I'm pretty sure it was to no avail. We did end up going there and after waiting ONLY an hour, we got a table. Dinner was pretty good and even though I wasn't hungry, I got cheesecake out of spite. Peanut butter fudge ripple or something to that effect. It was insanely good. I ate it last night after I ate my leftovers for dinner. So.. that was my night.. he helped me with my football picks and I stayed at his place because he asked and told me he wanted me to. He then came over Sunday night and we watched a movie and passed out halfway through. But we're not together at ALL...... Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to start a conversation I might not be pleased with the ending of.

I went to the outlets in Harriman with my mom on Sunday. EVERYTHING was on sale and we had coupons so I did pretty good. The only things I'm upset about are that no pocketbooks at Liz Claiborne caught my eye and that my mother tricked me into leaving the Adidas store without buying three t-shirts I had my eye on. We went to Nike and I was so loaded down with bags that I forgot about the shirts at Adidas. Oh well.. next time.. I fell asleep on the way home and I fell asleep HARD. I was so beat.. when I got home I settled in on the couch to do laundry and watch the shows I'd missed. However, my sister had erased two out of three episodes of SVU so I didn't have as much to watch as I'd thought! I also watched Catch and Release with Jennifer Garner. I think it got shitty reviews but it wasn't a terrible movie. I thought it was pretty decent and entertaining. I rounded out my Kevin Smith double feature (he played one of the best friends in Catch and Release) by settling in with J to watch Clerks II, which is the movie we saw on our first movie date. He doesn't own it yet so I might get it for him for his birthday. He did, after all, get me a present for mine after we broke up. Guess that'll depend on how "the talk" goes. I should really do that before his birthday so if it goes south, I don't feel guilty about not getting him anything! :) We both passed out halfway through the movie and slept HARD.. Guess we were both a tad worn out, which is surprising cause he's back in his "insomnia" phase. Ugh.. enough about that, although it's kind of become all consuming, as I'm sure any woman can understand. I'll keep you posted....

Now, I'm just trying to get through the day. I had these great intentions of going to this Total Body Scuplt class tonight and then heading to my sister's soccer game, but she's since told me it starts at 6:30, not 7 and my motivation is minimal. Plus, I'm having a decent hair day and I don't want to ruin it since we might be headed to Monday Night Football at Meadowgreens after the game. Ah, vanity... the bane of my existence.

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