Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I love food...

I don't know how it happened (and I'll probably suffer for it next week) but I lost 1.4 pounds at Weight Watchers this week. Granted, I didn't go last week, but I've been a slacker of epic proportions in the food department lately. Ok.. I mean the GOOD FOR YOU good department. I ate the bad food like it was my job the last few weeks. Well, maybe I wasn't as bad as I've made myself out to be, but it sure did feel bad. Imagine my elation when I saw the lady at WW writing down a lower number than what was previously there. That puts me at 9.8 pounds lost (damn you that pesky .2 pounds) and do I feel it? Kind of. I had a pair of pants on yesterday that didn't feel as tight as normal, but I just don't see it. Granted, people say they do, but you never know if they're just being nice to your face and calling you a fat ass behind your back. A woman at the gym said to me "god, the last time I saw you was a few months ago. You're looking great." I know she meant it as a compliment (she's a super nice lady) but it sure didn't come out that way! I think I'll feel better about it when I only have one chin in pictures... that'll help.

Wayne Newton was booted from Dancing with the Stars last night. He shared the red bottom two spotlight with Floyd Mayweather. I'm not a big fan of either of them, but considering I like Cheryl Burke a MILLION times more than Karina Smirnoff, I wish he'd been given another chance to dance. Perhaps the ladies will bring it this year, as opposed to the last few years when the men have really stepped it up. Next week one of the dances will be the paso doble, which should help separate the men from the boys. It's an entertaining and powerful dance (from what I've seen in the past) and I imagine it'll be fun to watch, whether the stars fuck it up or not!

I've avoided posting this, but (as almost the whole world knows) Hung has won Top Chef. As I said last week, I kind of knew it was coming as a friend of mine messaged me on Myspace about how I would be disappointed in the judges, which I was. Don't get me wrong, Hung is a great chef and I understand why he won, but I love me some Dale and really wish he'd pulled it out. I think what makes me most upset is that the nail in Dale's coffin was Hung's chocolate cake. Hell, even I can make a chocolate cake, know what I mean!? I'm sure great things are to come from Dale, Hung and even Casey, who shit the bed big time in the finale. She knew she had no shot from the get go, but proceeded to blame EVERYTHING involved.. It's too bad. I wouldn't have minded seeing her win either, nor would my friend Amy who had her in a pool she and some friends had going. Amy was SOOOO excited about having Casey that I tried real hard to not let her know what a disappointment it would be to watch the finale. At least her man won the bet and maybe he'll take her on his winning four course, gourmet dinner... Maybe... I'm waiting for Bravo to give Dale his own show. I think he ranks right up there with Tim Gunn as one of my favorite Bravo people...

I woke up yesterday not feeling so great. My throat was scratchy and my nose was runny. I know.. attractive, right? After I got home from Weight Watchers (which I went to for the first time by myself... yep.. I'm a big girl) I settled in on the couch wondering what I would do for dinner when it came to me... WENDY'S. If anyone knows me, they know my favorite Saturday ritutal is hitting up Wendy's for a spicy chicken sandwich meal, plain with cheese. They would also know that I haven't done it ONCE since I started Weight Watchers. Last night was my cheat night so I went for it big time. It tasted like pure heaven, and I'm not exaggerating. It's funny how food can make you so happy, isn't it? I then watched "Say Anything" which I taped off TV a while back and just hadn't gotten around to watching. I wouldn't say I didn't like it, but I guess I just expected more. Perhaps part of it was that I felt like I was forcing myself to watch it, which never helps. Granted, it was good in that as usual for a John Cusack flick (even in the early days) there was a cameo appearance for my man, Jeremy Piven, but I guess there was just so much hype about it that I expected more. Still.. I give my thumb up and probably would have done so even more had I watched it 20 years ago when it came out. After that I started feeling kind of shitty so I vegged on the couch and watched Bones and Reaper. What a grisly combination! Bones had a plot about "pony-play" which is basically S & M when one of the parties pretend they're a horse.. Interesting.. I get fantasy and role play, but this was a little different. But hey, to each their own. I didn't even bother watching Damages as I knew there was no way I'd stay awake for the whole thing. I'm going to try and catch it before I head to the gym for lifting with Tre, which she is making me do BEFORE our soccer game at 9:00 tonight. It may take an act of God to get me out of bed tomorrow morning.

So, I'm going suit shopping with J. on Saturday. I had told him I'd do it a while ago and when he asked me, I said probably. Last night I called to let him know I could definitely go and he told me he'd take me to dinner as a thank you for doing him this favor (which I already knew... at least had assumed). Anyway, he then tells me that he's not telling me where he's taking me, that it's a surprise. I have no problem with that, but if he takes me to the Cheesecake Factory, you'll more than likely hear me scream from here to Australia. Backstory: J had a bad experience at a Cheesecake Factory restaurant down near the city WAY before we got one in Albany. He has vowed never to eat in one again and even when I begged when we were together, he wouldn't go. So, if he thinks it's nice to take me there because he knows I like it, I might kill him. This is yet another one of those "boyfriend type" things he's done lately that make me wonder wtf is going on. Granted, I am pretty sure he won't do that, cause of how stubborn he is, but you never know. Why are men so god damn weird and difficult!? If only Earl were here to take me away from all this drama...

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