Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oh, what a night

and I don't think I mean that in a good way. This is how mine went:

I got out of work slightly late and had just enough time to make lunch, pick out my clothes for the next day and turn down my bed before Tre was home and ready to go to the gym. We went to the gym and did our lifting, albeit with a few modifications, as we were short on time. We then stopped home to get our soccer stuff and headed to Quizno's (mmm... chicken carbonara sub) and THEN went to the school so Tre could chaperone the field hockey game. As I've stated before, I've never played field hockey (I realize now, not even in gym class) and I can see why. They blow the whistle every five seconds and the rules are ridiculous. You literally can't do anything without getting a penalty. If the ball hits you.. penalty. If your stick goes too high... penalty. At least they don't stop the clock every time the whistle blows. That would be awful! I would get so frustrated if I played! Anyway, we had to leave just as the second half started, but Ichabod ended up beating Taconic Hills 2-1 which is kind of a shame since Tre is friends with the TH coach, but such is life.

Soccer... ooh.. yikes. It was ugly! We ended up only having one sub which is WAY less than our old, slow asses need. We only lost 6-0 which was better than the 11-3 ass whooping they put on us during our last game, but we played terrible. No one seemed to be able to cover who they were supposed to be covering and some of the shots the other team made were sick! I mean, there were a few I didn't think were even possible shots to take and they made them. They've been playing together for five years or so and just know where their team mate is going to be. We haven't gotten there yet. I ended up having to defend against this woman who, literally, her legs were as long as my entire body. I'm not kidding. Her hip was probably at my neck. It was pretty evident I wasn't stealing a throw in from her! I did knock her down a few times... nice to see this ass is good for something! So, that was our last game of the season and we definitely played like crap, but better than the first time we played them. I guess that's something. One week off and then we're back in the thick of it and I can't wait! Granted, I'm so sore that walking up and down stairs is painful, but I think it's in a good way. I certainly worked off that chicken carbonara sub with all the running I did in the 50 minutes of the game last night, that's for sure!

The Red Sox ROUTED the Rockies last night 13-1. I believe there were all sorts of records set and everything. I don't want them to win, but that's not to say they're not a talented team and really have the momentum going to win. I just REALLY hope they don't! Yet another one you love to hate, am I right!? Perhaps all that time off was not a good thing for the Rockies and maybe, just maybe, that Colorado air will do them good starting in Game 3. I just hope it's a Series and not a sweep. Those are so boring! And oh yeah.. my friends who read this blog that are Boston fans... don't hate on me for having an opinion! I still answer when you call or email me to let me know the O's got their ass kicked by the Sox, and on the rare occasion when the tables are turned, I don't rub it in your face. Let's just agree to disagree.

I looked around, but nothing is really going on in the world of pop culture so I'm afraid I can't help too much. I do hope to go to the movies tonight, but we'll see how that goes. Try to make it through your Thursday unscathed!

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